Kim & Mike's Butterfly Photo Archive


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Scientific Name Common Name Distribution, notes
    Family PAPILIONIDAE Latreille, [1802] SWALLOWTAILS
    Subfamily Parnassiinae Duponchel, [1835] Parnassians
Parnassius clodius clodius Ménétriés, 1855 Clodius Parnassian N CA; Marin to Trinity cos.
Parnassius clodius claudianus Stichel, 1907 Clodius Parnassian far N CA (Siskiyous) to SW BC; Cascades westward
Parnassius clodius sol Bryk & Eisner, 1932 Clodius Parnassian CA; Tulare to Modoc & S Siskiyou Cos.; Warners?; usually < 7000'
Parnassius clodius baldur W. H. Edwards, 1877 Clodius Parnassian CA; S Sierra Nevada, usually above 7000' 
Parnassius clodius Ménétriés, 1855 (S Sierra Nevada segregate) Clodius Parnassian Southern Sierra Nevada (Kern-Tulare Cos.), CA
Parnassius behrii W. H. Edwards, 1870 Sierra Nevada Parnassian CA Sierra Nevada
Parnassius smintheus sternitzkyi McDunnough, 1937 Rocky Mountain Parnassian Siskiyou/ S Cascade Mts, NW CA-SW OR
Parnassius smintheus magnus W. G. Wright, 1905 Rocky Mountain Parnassian S BC, E WA, E OR, ID, W MT, NW WY
Parnassius smintheus sayii W. H. Edwards, 1863 Rocky Mountain Parnassian [= hermodur]; NE NV, UT, S & E WY, W SD, W NB, CO, N NM
    Subfamily Papilioninae Latreille, [1802]
    Tribe Troidini Talbot, 1939
Parides montezuma (Westwood, 1842) Montezuma’s Cattleheart NE & NW Mexico to Costa Rica
Parides panares panares (Gray, [1853]) Wedge-spotted Cattleheart Oaxaca
Parides erithalion polyzelus (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Variable Cattleheart E Mexico to Costa Rica
Battus philenor philenor (Linnaeus, 1771) Pipevine Swallowtail Mexico, S & E USA & Canada
Battus polydamas polydamas (Linnaeus, 1758) Polydamas Swallowtail continental
    Tribe Leptocircini W. F. Kirby, 1896
Eurytides epidaus epidaus (Doubleday, 1846) Mexican Kite-Swallowtail E Mexico to NW Costa Rica
Eurytides epidaus fenochionis (Salvin & Godman, 1868) Mexican Kite-Swallowtail SW Mexico
Eurytides philolaus philolaus (Boisduval, 1836) Dark Kite-Swallowtail Texas and Sinaloa S to Costa Rica
Eurytides marcellus (Cramer, 1777) Zebra Swallowtail E USA & Canada
Mimoides thymbraeus aconophos (Gray, [1853]) White-crescent Swallowtail W Mexico
Mimoides phaon phaon (Boisduval, 1836) Variable Swallowtail  NE Mexico to Panama
    Tribe Papilionini Latreille, [1802]
Papilio machaon bairdii W. H. Edwards, 1866 'Baird's' Old World Swallowtail southern Rocky Mountains to SE California
Papilio polyxenes asterius (Stoll, 1782) Black Swallowtail Canada, E USA, S to El Salvador
Papilio polyxenes coloro W. G. Wright, 1905 Desert Swallowtail far SW USA
Papilio zelicaon Lucas, 1852 Anise Swallowtail W USA & Canada, Baja California Norte
Papilio indra indra Reakirt, 1866 Indra Swallowtail most of range; NE ORE-WA, ID, MT, N UT, WY, W SD, CO
Papilio indra Reakirt, 1866 (N & C Sierra Nevada segregate) Indra Swallowtail [ "i. indra"]; N & C Sierra Nevada, CA
Papilio indra pergamus Hy. Edwards, 1874 Indra Swallowtail Los Angeles, W San Berdo., Riverside, San Diego cos., CA
Papilio indra fordi J. A. Comstock & Martin, 1956 Indra Swallowtail Calico S to Granite Mts.; Sheephole, Coxcomb, Eagle Mts., CA
Papilio indra parvindra J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Griffin, 2008 Indra Swallowtail [= pygmaeus], Dead Mtns., San Bernardino Co., CA
Papilio indra martini J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1966 Indra Swallowtail Providence Mtns., San Bernardino Co., CA
Papilio indra panamintensis J. Emmel, 1982 Indra Swallowtail Panamint Mts., Death Valley region, CA
Papilio indra nevadensis T. Emmel & J. Emmel, 1971 Indra Swallowtail C & N NV
Papilio indra calcicola J. Emmel & Griffin, 1998 Indra Swallowtail Muddy Mtns., Clark Co., NV, and vicinity, to E Death Valley area
Papilio indra minori Cross, 1937 Indra Swallowtail W CO, E UT, NW NM, NE AZ
Papilio glaucus glaucus Linnaeus, 1758 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail E USA, far NE Tamaulipas
Papilio rutulus Lucas, 1852 Western Tiger Swallowtail [= arizonensis]; W USA & Canada, Baja California N
Papilio eurymedon Lucas, 1852 (1805) Pale Tiger Swallowtail W USA & Canada, Baja California Norte
Papilio multicaudata pusillus Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Two-tailed Tiger Swallowtail NW USA to Baja California
Papilio multicaudata multicaudata W. F. Kirby, 1884 Two-tailed Tiger Swallowtail (Xochiquetzal) SW USA to central Mexico
Papilio pilumnus Boisduval, 1836 Three-tailed Tiger Swallowtail S USA (as stray), Mexico to Guatemala
Papilio troilus troilus Linnaeus, 1758 Spicebush Swallowtail E USA & SE Canada
Papilio palamedes palamedes Drury, 1773 Palamedes Swallowtail SE USA
Papilio palamedes leontis Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 Palamedes Swallowtail NE Mexico
Papilio victorinus victorinus E. Doubleday, 1844 Victorine Swallowtail E Mexico to Nicaragua
Papilio cresphontes Cramer, 1777 Giant Swallowtail Canada to Panama, Cuba, sporadic elsewhere
Papilio astyalus pallas G. Gray, [1853] Broad-banded Swallowtail S Texas, E Mexico to N Costa Rica
Papilio astyalus bajaensis J. Brown & Faulkner, 1992 Broad-banded Swallowtail W Mexico
Papilio ornythion Boisduval, 1836 (Typical segregate) Ornythion Swallowtail  S Texas, E Mexico to Honduras
Papilio torquatus tolus Godman & Salvin, 1890 Torquatus Swallowtail NE Mexico to C Veracruz
Papilio anchisiades idaeus Fabricius, 1793 Ruby-spotted Swallowtail Texas to Colombia & NW Venezuela
    Family PIERIDAE Swainson, 1820 WHITES and YELLOWS
    Subfamily Dismorphiinae Schatz, 1866 Mimic-Whites
Dismorphia theucharila fortunata (Lucas, 1854) Clearwinged Mimic-White E Mexico to NW Colombia
    Subfamily Coliadinae Swainson, 1821 Sulphurs and Yellows
Kricogonia lyside (Godart, 1819) Lyside Sulphur SE AZ & S TX (strays N) to Venezuela; S FL, Gr. Antilles
Nathalis iole iole Boisduval, 1836 Dainty Sulphur S USA (strays N to Canada) to Hondruas, Greater Antilles
Eurema daira sidonia (R. Felder, 1869) Barred Yellow SE AZ & SW NM (as vagrant), W Mexico
Eurema daira eugenia (Wallengren, 1860) Barred Yellow S TX (strays N), E Mexico to Panama
Eurema boisduvaliana (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Boisduval’s Yellow SE AZ, SW NM, S TX (sporadic) to W Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica
Eurema mexicana mexicana (Boisduval, 1836) Mexican Yellow SW USA (strays widely N) to Panama
Eurema salome jamapa (Reakirt, 1866) Salome Yellow S NM & S TX (as strays) to Panama
Eurema albula celata (R. Felder, 1869) White Yellow E & W Mexico to Honduras
Abaeis nicippe (Cramer, 1779) Sleepy Orange S USA (strays N) to Costa Rica, Gr. Antilles, Caymans, Bahamas
Pyrisitia proterpia (Fabricius, 1775) Tailed Orange SE AZ, SW NM, S TX (strays N) to Peru, most Greater Antilles
Pyrisitia lisa lisa (Boisduval & Le Conte, [1830]) Little Yellow SE USA (C TX to VA, strays N), Bermuda, N Bahamas
Pyrisitia lisa centralis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1865) Little Yellow SE AZ (as stray), S TX to Panama
Pyrisitia nise nelphe (R. Felder, 1869) Mimosa Yellow S AZ (as stray) & S TX (strays N) to Panama
Pyrisitia dina westwoodii (Boisduval, 1836) Dina Yellow SE AZ (as stray) & E Mexico to Panama
Colias philodice eriphyle W. H. Edwards, 1876 Clouded Sulphur TL: Canada (BC)
Colias eurytheme Boisduval, 1832 Orange Sulphur TL: USA (Ca); Mexico
Colias occidentalis occidentalis Scudder, 1862 Western Sulphur [= nortepacifica]
Colias occidentalis Scudder, 1862 (SW Oregon segregate) Western Sulphur S Cascades, far NE Siskiyous, Jackson -Josephine Co., OR
Colias christina W. H. Edwards, 1863 (NE Oregon mountains) Christina's Sulphur TL: Canada (NT)
Colias alexandra alexandra W. H. Edwards, 1863 Queen Alexandra's Sulphur TL: USA (Co)
Colias alexandra apache Ferris, 1988 Queen Alexandra's Sulphur TL: USA (Az)
Colias alexandra edwardsii W. H. Edwards, 1870 Queen Alexandra's Sulphur TL: USA (Nv)
Colias harfordii Hy. Edwards, 1877 Harford’s Sulphur TL: USA (Ca)
Colias meadii meadii W. H. Edwards, 1871 Mead's Sulphur TL: USA (Co)
Colias scudderi Reakirt, 1865 Scudder's Sulphur TL: USA (Co)
Zerene cesonia cesonia (Stoll, 1790) Southern Dogface S USA (strays far N) to Colombia, Cuba
Zerene eurydice (Boisduval, 1855) California Dogface Baja California (N) to N California
Anteos clorinde (Godart, [1824]) White Angled-Sulphur SW USA (strays), S TX to Argentina, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola
Anteos maerula (Fabricius, 1775) Yellow Angled-Sulphur SW USA (strays), S TX to Peru, S FL, Bahamas, Gr. Antilles
Phoebis sennae eubule (Linnaeus, 1767) Cloudless Sulphur SE USA (strays far N, NW)
Phoebis sennae marcellina (Cramer, 1777) Cloudless Sulphur SW USA (strays far N), S TX through Panama, most S. America
Phoebis philea philea (Linnaeus, 1763) Orange-barred Sulphur SW USA (strays far N) to S Brazil, Gulf Coast to FL, P. Rico, etc.
Phoebis neocypris virgo (Butler, 1870) Tailed Sulphur SE AZ & S TX (rare strays) to Brazil
Phoebis argante DHJ01 (P. argante of Brown, 1929) Pale Apricot Sulphur KS, TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico to Argentina, Trinidad
Phoebis agarithe agarithe (Boisduval, 1836) Large Orange Sulphur S W USA (strays far N), S TX to Peru; Galapagos Is., Hawaii
Aphrissa statira statira (Cramer, 1777) Statira Sulphur S TX (strays N), E & W Mexico to Argentina, Lesser Antilles
    Subfamily Pierinae Swainson, 1820 Whites
    Tribe Anthocharidini Scudder, 1889
Anthocharis cethura cethura C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865 Desert Orangetip TL: [USA (Ca)]
Anthocharis cethura morrisoni W. H. Edwards, 1881 Desert Orangetip TL: USA (Ca)
Anthocharis cethura hadromarmorata J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Desert Orangetip TL: USA (Nv)
Anthocharis cethura mojavensis J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Desert Orangetip TL: USA (Ca)
Anthocharis cethura pima W. H. Edwards, 1888 'Pima' Desert Orangetip TL: USA (Az)
Anthocharis sara sara Lucas, 1852 Sara Orangetip TL: USA (Ca)
Anthocharis sara sulfuris Pelham, 2008 Sara Orangetip [= columbia]
Anthocharis sara julia W. H. Edwards, 1872 Sara Orangetip TL: USA (Co)
Anthocharis sara pseudothoosa Austin, 1998 Sara Orangetip TL: USA (Nv)
Anthocharis lanceolata lanceolata Lucas, 1852 Gray Marble SW OR, N CA, far W NV, S through Sierra Nevada
Anthocharis lanceolata desertolimbus J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Gray Marble W edge Colorado Desert (Palm Spgs. area S to N BC)
Euchloe ausonides transmontana Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Large Marble CA Sierra Nevada to W UT, N CA, OR, E WA, S BC, W ID 
Euchloe ausonides ausonides (Lucas, 1852) Large Marble W CA (esp. Bay area), low elevations
Euchloe ausonides coloradensis (Hy. Edwards, 1881) Large Marble
Euchloe olympia (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Olympia Marble S ALTA to NE NM & C TX, prairies E to S ONT + Appalachians
Euchloe lotta Beutenmüller, 1898 Desert Marble SE BC, S to E CA, AZ, N SON-CHIH, far W TX, W NM, N to W MT
Euchloe hyantis hyantis (W. H. Edwards, 1871) California Marble SW OR (NW Siskiyous), W CA to Baja California (N)
Hesperocharis costaricensis pasion (Reakirt, [1867]) Costa Rican White E & W Mexico to Guatemala (at least) 
Hesperocharis graphites avivolans (Butler, 1865) Marbled White E, W & S Mexico (to Oaxaca)
    Tribe Pierini Swainson, 1820
Glutophrissa drusilla tenuis (Lamas, 1981) Florida White W Mexico & S TX (strays far N) to Peru
Melete lycimnia isandra (Boisduval, 1836) Creamy White S TX (as stray), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Neophasia menapia tehachapina J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Pine White Tehachapi Mts., Kern Co., CA
Neophasia menapia menapia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) Pine White CA Sierra Nevada N to N OR/ S WA (or BC if tau treated as syn.)
Neophasia menapia melanica Scott, 1981 Pine White immediate coast, Mendocino Co., CA
Neophasia menapia magnamenapia Austin, 1998 Pine White W NV, S & C UT, AZ, NM, CO, E WY, W NE, W SD
Neophasia terlooii Behr, 1869 Mexican Pine White SE AZ, SW NM to central western Mexico (MICH), also NL
Catasticta flisa flisa (Herrich-Schäffer, [1858]) Narrow-banded Dartwhite [= arechiza], E & W Mexico to Guatemala
Catasticta nimbice nimbice (Boisduval, 1836) Mexican Dartwhite W TX, E & W Mexico to Oaxaca
Pieriballia viardi viardi (Boisduval, 1836) Viardi White S TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico to Honduras
Itaballia demophile centralis Joicey & Talbot, 1928 Black-banded White S TX (one-time stray), E & S Mexico to Panama
Leptophobia aripa elodia (Boisduval, 1836) Mountain White S TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico to Panama
Pieris marginalis marginalis Scudder, 1861 Margined White W OR (N of Siskiyous), W Cascades to coast, N to SW BC
Pieris marginalis venosa Scudder, 1861 Margined White much of W CA
Pieris marginalis pseudonapi W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1916 Margined White [= macdunnoughii], CO, S WY, N NM; univoltine
Pieris marginalis mogollon Burdick, 1942 Margined White> White Mts. (AZ) & Mogollon Rim (NM)
Pieris rapae rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) Cabbage White widespread across N America to C Mexico, Hawaii; introduced
Pontia beckerii (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Becker's White BC to Baja C. Sur, N AZ, N NM, CO, WY, S & W MT; basins
Pontia protodice (Boisduval & Le Conte, [1830]) Checkered White widespread across N America to S Mexico; Cuba. Vagrant N
Pontia occidentalis occidentalis (Reakirt, 1866) Western White BC to CA (S Sierra), W to N NM, N to MAN, SASK, ALTA
Pontia sisymbrii sisymbrii (Boisduval, 1852) Spring White Baja California, N along Sierra Nevada-Cascades to W-C OR
Pontia sisymbrii nigravenosa Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Spring White Mojave Desert: SE CA, W AZ, S NV, SW UT
Ascia monuste monuste (Linnaeus, 1764) Great Southern White SW USA (strays), W Mexico & S TX to N S. Am; S Lesser Antilles
Ganyra josephina josepha (Salvin & Godman, 1868) Giant White S TX (strays N), E & W Mexico to Panama
Ganyra josephina josephina (Godart, 1819) Giant White Hispaniola
Ganyra phaloe tiburtia (Fruhstorfer, 1907) Godart's White E & S Mexico to El Salvador
    Family LYCAENIDAE [Leach], [1815] GOSSAMERWINGS
    Subfamily Lycaeninae [Leach], [1815] Coppers
Lycaena cupreus lapidicola J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Lustrous Copper CA Sierra Nevada from Nevada to Tulare-Inyo Cos.; similar in White Mts.
Lycaena cupreus cupreus (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Lustrous Copper [= artemisia], N CA, C-E OR, ID, NE NV, MT, NW WY, N UT
Lycaena cupreus snowi (W. H. Edwards, [1881]) Lustrous Copper S Rocky Mts. of SE WY, CO, N NM; high Uinta and La Sal Mts., UT
Lycaena arota arota (Boisduval, 1852) Tailed Copper  TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena arota (Boisduval, 1852) (C CA interior Coast Range segregate) Tailed Copper
Lycaena arota virginiensis (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Tailed Copper  TL: USA (Nv)
Lycaena arota schellbachi (Tilden, 1955) Tailed Copper  TL: USA (Az)
Lycaena hermes (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Hermes Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena editha obscuramaculata Austin, 1989 Edith's Copper
Lycaena editha editha (Mead, 1878) Edith's Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena xanthoides nigromaculata J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Great Copper  TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena xanthoides xanthoides (Boisduval, 1852) Great Copper  TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena xanthoides obsolescens J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Great Copper  TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena gorgon gorgon (Boisduval, 1852) Gorgon Copper   TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena gorgon micropunctata J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Gorgon Copper   TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena gorgon jacquelineae J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Gorgon Copper   TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena gorgon dorothea J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Gorgon Copper  TL: USA (Or)
Lycaena rubidus monachensis K. Johnson & Balogh, 1977 Ruddy Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena rubidus sirius (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Ruddy Copper TL: USA (Co)
Lycaena rubidus ferrisi K. Johnson & Balogh, 1977 Ruddy Copper TL: USA (Az)
Lycaena heteronea heteronea Boisduval, 1852 Blue Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena heteronea submaculata J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Blue Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena heteronea clara Hy. Edwards, 1877 Blue Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena heteronea austin Kemal & Kocak, 2007 Blue Copper [rutila is preoccupied]
Lycaena heteronea rava Austin, 1998 Blue Copper TL: USA (Nv)
Lycaena heteronea gravenotata Klots, 1930 Blue Copper TL: USA (Co)
Lycaena heteronea Boisduval, 1852 (E base Cascades- boldly spotted) Blue Copper [= nr. gravenotata], E base Cascades far N CA, OR, far S WA
Lycaena dorcas castro (Reakirt, 1866) Dorcas Copper [= sangremar]
Lycaena helloides (Boisduval, 1852) Purplish Copper  TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena nivalis nivalis (Boisduval, 1869) Lilac-bordered Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena nivalis (Boisduval, 1869) (W Cascadian segregate) Lilac-bordered Copper [nr. bichroma]
Lycaena nivalis bichroma J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Lilac-bordered Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena nivalis warnermontana J. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Lilac-bordered Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena nivalis (Boisduval, 1869) (NE Oregon segregate) Lilac-bordered Copper [nr. warnermontana]
Lycaena nivalis browni dos Passos, 1938 Lilac-bordered Copper TL: USA (Idaho)
Lycaena mariposa mariposa (Reakirt, 1866) Mariposa Copper TL: USA (Ca)
Lycaena mariposa (Reakirt, 1866) (W Siskiyou segregate) Mariposa Copper W Siskiyous, Josephine Co., OR
Lycaena mariposa penroseae W. D. Field, 1938 Mariposa Copper TL: USA (Wy)
    Subfamily Theclinae Swainson, 1831 (1820) Hairstreaks
    Tribe Theclini Swainson, 1831 (1820) Hairstreaks
Hypaurotis crysalus crysalus (W. H. Edwards, 1873) Colorado Hairstreak C & S CO, NM, far W TX, AZ, SON
Habrodais grunus lorquini W. D. Field, 1938 Golden Hairstreak SW ORE (Siskiyous) to C CA Coast Ranges
Habrodais grunus grunus (Boisduval, 1852) Golden Hairstreak S CA & Sierra Nevada
Habrodais grunus herri W. D. Field, 1938 Golden Hairstreak Cascade Mountains, far S WA (Skamania Co.), OR, N OR Coast Range
    Tribe Eumaeini E. Doubleday, 1847 Hairstreaks
Eumaeus childrenae (G. Gray, 1832) Great Cycadian  [= debora], E & S Mexico to Honduras
Eumaeus toxea (Godart, [1824]) Mexican Cycadian E & W Mexico to Nicaragua (S TX as very rare stray)
Brangas neora (Hewitson, 1867) Widespread Brangas E & W Mexico to S Brazil
Atlides halesus corcorani Clench, 1942 Great Blue Hairstreak  W OR, CA, SW USA, NW, NE & E Mexico
Atlides gaumeri (Godman, 1901) White-tipped Hairstreak E & W Mexico to Panama
Atlides polybe (Linnaeus, 1763) Black-veined Hairstreak E & W Mexico to N Argentina
Pseudolycaena damo (H. Druce, 1875) Sky-blue Hairstreak  E & W Mexico to Colombia and W Ecuador
Micandra tongida Clench, 1971 Tongida Hairstreak C Mexico
Micandra cyda (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Cyda Hairstreak [= furina], S Mexico to Costa Rica
Ipidecla schausi (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Schaus’ Ipidecla E Mexico to Paraguay
Thereus ortalus (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Ortalus Hairstreak Mexico to S Brazil
Rekoa meton (Cramer, 1779) Meton Hairstreak  E & W Mexico to Bolivia, Paraguay, S Brazil, Venezuela to Guianas, Trinidad
Rekoa palegon (Cramer, 1780) Gold-bordered Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to N Argentina, Venezuela to Guianas, Trinidad, Tobago
Rekoa zebina (Hewitson, 1869) Zebina Hairstreak E & W Mexico to NW Costa Rica
Rekoa marius (Lucas, 1857) Marius Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to Bolivia, Paraguay, SE Brazil, Venezuela, Trinidad
Arawacus togarna (Hewitson, 1867) Togarna Hairstreak SE Mexico to Amazonas
Arawacus sito (Boisduval, 1836) Fine-lined Hairstreak  E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Arawacus jada (Hewitson, 1867) Creamy Hairstreak S AZ (as vagrant), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Contrafacia bassania (Hewitson, 1868) White-etched Hairstreak  Mexico to Colombia
Satyrium fuliginosa fuliginosa (W. H. Edwards, 1861) Western Sooty Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium fuliginosa tildeni Mattoon & Austin, 1998 Western Sooty Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium semiluna semiluna Klots, 1930 Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak TL: USA (Wy)
Satyrium semiluna maculadistinctum Mattoon & Austin, 1998 Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak TL: USA (Nv)
Satyrium semiluna Klots, 1930 (Columbia Basin segregate) Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak Columbia Basin, S BC to N OR
Satyrium semiluna Klots, 1930 (Pine Mtn. Segregate) Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak Pine Mountain, Deschutes Co., OR; similar in Ochocos
Satyrium semiluna Klots, 1930 (C OR Cascades segregate) Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak Cascades of C OR (e.g., Three Creeks Meadow, Deschutes Co.)
Satyrium semiluna Klots, 1930 (Mt. Hood segregate) Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak Mt. Hood, Clackamas / Hood River Cos., OR
Satyrium behrii behrii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Behr's Hairstreak S CA, N through Sierra Nevada & Cascades to C WA
Satyrium behrii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) (northern intermontane segregate) Behr's Hairstreak NE OR, S ID, NE WY, N UT, NW CO
Satyrium behrii crossi (W. D. Field, 1938) Behr's Hairstreak SE WY, E & S CO, N NM, far SE UT, far NE AZ
Satyrium californica californica (W. H. Edwards, 1862) California Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium californica obscurafacies Austin, 1998 California Hairstreak [= brashor], SE BC to NE NV
Satyrium sylvinus sylvinus (Boisduval, 1852) Sylvan Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium sylvinus nootka M. Fisher, 1998 Sylvan Hairstreak TL: Canada (BC)
Satyrium sylvinus putnami (Hy. Edwards, 1877) Sylvan Hairstreak TL: USA (Ut)
Satyrium sylvinus desertorum (F. Grinnell, 1917) Sylvan Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium sylvinus dryope (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Sylvan Hairstreak TL: USA ([Ca])
Satyrium titus campus (Gatrelle, 2004) Coral Hairstreak TL: USA (Iowa)
Satyrium titus immaculosus (W. Comstock, 1913) Coral Hairstreak TL: USA (Ut)
Satyrium titus occidentalis Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Coral Hairstreak TL: USA (Nv)
Satyrium calanus calanus (Hübner, [1809]) Banded Hairstreak
Satyrium calanus godarti (W. D. Field, 1938) Banded Hairstreak TL: USA (Co)
Satyrium tetra (W. H. Edwards, 1870) (Typical segregate) Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak Baja California (N) to N CA
Satyrium saepium saepium (Boisduval, 1852) Hedgerow Hairstreak
Satyrium saepium chalcis (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Hedgerow Hairstreak [= fulvescens]
Satyrium saepium caliginosum J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Hedgerow Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium saepium subaridum J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Hedgerow Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Satyrium saepium provo (F. Watson & W. Comstock, 1920) Hedgerow Hairstreak TL: USA (Ut)
Ocaria ocrisia (Hewitson, 1868) Black Hairstreak  Mexico to S Brazil and Argentina
Chlorostrymon simaethis sarita (Skinner, 1895) Silver-banded Hairstreak  Mexico to Panama
Cyanophrys goodsoni (Clench, 1946) Goodson’s Greenstreak  S TX to Costa Rica
Cyanophrys herodotus (Fabricius, 1793) Tropical Greenstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to Argentina
Cyanophrys miserabilis (Clench, 1946) Clench’s Greenstreak  S TX to Costa Rica
Cyanophrys longula (Hewitson, 1868) Mountain Greenstreak  E & W Mexico to Venezuela; one possible record for SE AZ
Cyanophrys agricolor (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) Stained Greenstreak E & W Mexico to Panama
Callophrys affinis washingtonia Clench, 1944 Western Green Hairstreak TL: USA (Wa)
Callophrys affinis affinis (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Western Green Hairstreak TL: USA (Wy)
Callophrys affinis homoperplexa W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1923 Western Green Hairstreak TL: USA (Co)
Callophrys affinis apama (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Western Green Hairstreak TL: USA (Az)
Callophrys dumetorum dumetorum (Boisduval, 1852) 'Coastal' Sheridan's Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys dumetorum oregonensis Gorelick, [1970] Lotus Hairstreak TL: USA (Wa)
Callophrys dumetorum superperplexa J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Sheridan's Hairstreak [possibly conspecific with C. sheridanii]
Callophrys sheridanii pseudodumetorum J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Sheridan's Hairstreak [= nr. dumetorum of Warren '05], W OR, NW CA Siskiyous low elev.
Callophrys sheridanii lemberti Tilden, 1963 Sheridan's Hairstreak
Callophrys sheridanii comstocki Henne, 1940 'Desert' Sheridan's Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys sheridanii sheridanii (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Sheridan's Hairstreak TL: USA (Wy)
Callophrys gryneus castalis (W. H. Edwards, 1871) 'Texas' Juniper Hairstreak TL: USA (Tx)
Callophrys gryneus siva (W. H. Edwards, 1874) 'Siva' Juniper Hairstreak [= clenchi, turkingtoni]
Callophrys gryneus (Hübner, [1819]) (Columbia Basin segregate) Juniper Hairstreak [nr. chalcosiva]
Callophrys gryneus (Hübner, [1819]) (S Sierra Nevada on Juniperus) Juniper Hairstreak S Sierra Nevada (Tulare Co.); on Juniperus; formerly "barryi"; similar in SB Mts
Callophrys gryneus nelsoni (Boisduval, 1869) 'Nelson's' Cedar Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys gryneus plicataria K. Johnson, 1976 Cedar Hairstreak TL: Canada
Callophrys gryneus juniperaria (J. A. Comstock, 1925) Cedar Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys gryneus mansfieldi (Tilden, 1951) 'Mansfield's' Juniper Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys loki loki (Skinner, 1907) 'Loki' Juniper Hairstreak Baja California Norte
Callophrys loki thornei (J. Brown, 1983) Thorne's Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys muiri (Hy. Edwards, 1881) Muir's Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys xami xami (Reakirt, [1867]) Xami Hairstreak S AZ, W & C Mexico to Oaxaca
Callophrys xami texami Clench, 1981 Xami Hairstreak S TX, far NE Mexico
Callophrys spinetorum spinetorum (Hewitson, 1867) Thicket Hairstreak TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys johnsoni (Skinner, 1904) Johnson's Hairstreak TL: Canada (BC)
Callophrys augustinus concava (Austin, 1998) Brown Elfin TL: USA (Nv)
Callophrys augustinus iroides (Boisduval, 1852) Brown Elfin Baja California Norte
Callophrys augustinus annetteae (dos Passos, 1943) Brown Elfin far NW Mexico
Callophrys fotis mojavensis (Austin, 1998) Desert Elfin TL: USA (Nv)
Callophrys mossii schryveri (Cross, 1937) Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Co)
Callophrys mossii (Hy. Edwards, 1881) (NE Cascadian segregate) Moss' Elfin NE Cascades (N OR, WA), E slope
Callophrys mossii (Hy. Edwards, 1881) (W Oregon segregate) Moss' Elfin [nr. mossii]
Callophrys mossii marinensis (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys mossii bayensis R. Brown, 1969 Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys mossii doudoroffi (dos Passos, 1940) Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys mossii hidakupa (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys mossii windi (Clench, 1943) Moss' Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys mossii (Hy. Edwards, 1881) (Siskiyou segregate) Moss' Elfin Siskiyou Mts., SW OR, Mts.of NW CA
Callophrys mossii (Hy. Edwards, 1881) (Mt. Diablo segregate) Moss' Elfin Mt. Diablo & vic., Contra Costa Co., CA
Callophrys polios obscurus (Ferris & M. Fisher, 1973) Hoary Elfin TL: USA (Co)
Callophrys eryphon eryphon (Boisduval, 1852) Western Pine Elfin TL: USA (Ca)
Callophrys eryphon pallescens (Austin, 1998) Western Pine Elfin TL: USA (Nv)
Callophrys eryphon fusca (Austin, 1998) Western Pine Elfin TL: USA (Az)
Allosmaitia strophius (Godart, [1824]) Strophius Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to S Brazil
Laothus erybathis (Hewitson, 1867) Erybathis Hairstreak E & W Mexico to Colombia
Arzecla sethon (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Large Groundstreak Mexico to Panama
Arumecla galliena (Hewitson, 1877) Red-based Groundstreak Mexico to Ecuador
Electrostrymon hugon (Godart, [1824]) Ruddy Hairstreak [= sangala, = cyphara] S TX to Venezuela
Electrostrymon joya (Dognin, 1895) Muted Hairstreak [= canus] S TX to Peru
Electrostrymon guzanta (Schaus, 1902) Orange-crescent Groundstreak W and S TX to Nicaragua
Rubroserrata mathewi (Hewitson, 1874) Mathew’s Groundstreak Mexico to Panama
Kisutam syllis (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Sky-blue Groundstreak S TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico to S Brazil
Calycopis clarina (Hewitson, 1874) White-striped Groundstreak TL: Mexico
Calycopis demonassa (Hewitson, 1868) Shining Groundstreak TL: Brazil (Pa)
Calycopis calus (Godart, [1824]) Calus Groundstreak  TL: America
Calycopis cecrops (Fabricius, 1793) Red-banded Hairstreak E USA, New Providence Island, Bahamas
Calycopis isobeon (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) Dusky-blue Groundstreak  TL: Costa Rica
Strymon melinus franki W. D. Field, 1938 Gray Hairstreak TL: USA (Kansas)
Strymon melinus setonia McDunnough, 1927 Gray Hairstreak TL: Canada
Strymon melinus atrofasciata McDunnough, 1921 Gray Hairstreak TL: Canada
Strymon melinus pudica (Hy. Edwards, 1877) Gray Hairstreak Baja California
Strymon rufofusca (Hewitson, 1877) Red-crescent Scrub-Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to Paraguay, Lesser Antilles
Strymon albata (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) White Scrub-Hairsreak [= sedecia] S TX to Venezuela
Strymon alea (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Lacey’s Scrub-Hairstreak [= laceyi] TX to Venezuela
Strymon bebrycia (Hewitson, 1868) Red-lined Scrub-Hairstreak SE AZ to S TX to Costa Rica
Strymon yojoa (Reakirt, [1867]) Yojoa Scrub-Hairstreak SE AZ, S TX to S Brazil
Strymon cestri (Reakirt, [1867]) Tailless Scrub-Hairstreak SE AZ, S TX to S Brazil
Strymon bazochii bazochii (Godart, [1824]) Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to Argentina
Strymon istapa istapa (Reakirt, [1867]) Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak S TX, E & W Mexico to Argentina
Strymon serapio (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Bromeliad Scrub-Hairstreak S TX (stray) to S Brazil
Strymon gabatha (Hewitson, 1870) Great Scrub-Hairstreak Mexico to Peru
Strymon monopeteinus Schwartz & J. Y. Miller, 1985  Shining Scrub-Hairstreak Hispaniola
Strymon megarus (Godart, [1824]) Megarus Scrub-Hairstreak  Mexico to S Brazil
Strymon ziba (Hewitson, 1868) Ziba Scrub-Hairstreak Mexico to S Brazil and Argentina
Tmolus echion echiolus (Draudt, 1920) Red-spotted Hairstreak Hawaii, Mexico to S Brazil
Tmolus crolinus Butler & H. Druce, 1872 Crolinus Hairstreak Costa Rica to Venezuela
Nicolaea heraldica (Dyar, 1914) Heraldica Hairstreak Mexico to C Brazil
Ministrymon leda (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Leda Ministreak SW USA to C Mexico
Ministrymon clytie (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Clytie Ministreak  S TX (?S AZ) to Costa Rica
Ministrymon arola (Hewitson, 1868) Arola Ministreak [= coronta?] Mexico to Costa Rica
Ministrymon phrutus (Geyer, 1832) Purple-webbed Ministreak Mexico to Brazil
Ministrymon azia (Hewitson, 1873) (1860) Gray Ministreak [= guacanagari], SE AZ & S TX (strays) to Argentina, Antilles
Ministrymon janevicroy Glassberg, 2013 Pebbly Ministreak Texas to Costa Rica & Curacao and Isla Margarita (Venezuela)
Gargina gnosia (Hewitson, 1868) Gnosia Hairstreak Mexico to Argentina
Theclopsis mycon (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Mycon Hairstreak MX to Venezuela
Strephonota tephraeus (Geyer, 1837) Pearly-gray Hairstreak  S Texas to Brazil
Panthiades bitias (Cramer, 1777) Bitias Hairstreak Mexico to Brazil
Panthiades bathildis (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Zebra-striped Hairstreak  Mexico to N Brazil
Oenomaus ortygnus (Cramer, 1779) Aquamarine Hairstreak Mexico to Brazil
Parrhasius polibetes (Stoll, 1781) Black-spot Hairstreak E & W Mexico to Uruguay & Argentina
Parrhasius m-album (Boisduval & Le Conte, [1833]) (1793) White-M Hairstreak S. Ontario CAN, E US from NH & WI to TX
Parrhasius moctezuma (Clench, 1971) Mexican-M Hairstreak Mexico to Nicaragua
Michaelus jebus (Godart, [1824]) Variegated Hairstreak E & W Mexico to S Brazil & Argentina
Ignata gadira (Hewitson, 1867) Gadira Hairstreak Mexico to Panama
Ignata caldas Robbins 2010 Caldas Hairstreak Mexico to SE Peru in the Amazon Basin
Aubergina paetus (Godman & Salvin, 1887) Paetus Hairstreak Mexico to Colombia
Dicya carnica (Hewitson, 1873) Carnica Hairstreak Mexico to Argentina
Erora quaderna (Hewitson, 1868) Arizona Hairstreak  [= sanfordi], C & SE AZ, SW NM, W TX, E & W Mexico to Oaxaca
Chalybs janias (Cramer, 1779) Janias Greenstreak Mexico to Brazil
    Subfamily Polyommatinae Swainson, 1827 Blues
Leptotes cassius cassidula (Boisduval, 1870) Cassius Blue [= striata], S TX, E & W Mexico to Panama
Leptotes marina (Reakirt, 1868) Marine Blue TL: Mexico (Ver)
Brephidium exilis exilis (Boisduval, 1852) Western Pygmy-Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Brephidium pseudofea pseudofea (Morrison, 1873) Eastern Pygmy-Blue TL: USA (Fl)
Zizula cyna (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Cyna Blue TL: USA (Tx)
Cupido comyntas comyntas (Godart, [1824]) Eastern Tailed-Blue SE Canada, E USA to E CO, N & NE TX
Cupido comyntas texana (F. Chermock, 1945) Eastern Tailed-Blue C & W TX, S NM, SE AZ, S to Ecuador
Cupido comyntas sissona (W. G. Wright, 1905) Eastern Tailed-Blue [= pacnowe], Baja to W WA + NE OR, E WA, N ID, SE BC
Cupido amyntula montanorum (Austin, 1998) Western Tailed-Blue TL: USA (Nv)
Cupido amyntula amyntula (Boisduval, 1852) Western Tailed-Blue Baja California Norte
Cupido amyntula herri (F. Grinnell, 1901) Western Tailed-Blue TL: USA (Az)
Celastrina lucia lumarco Scott, 2006 Lucia Azure TL: USA (Co)
Celastrina echo echo (W. H. Edwards, 1864) Pacific Azure TL: USA (Ca)
Celastrina echo sidara (Clench, 1944) Rocky Mountain Azure TL: USA (Co)
Celastrina echo cinerea (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Southwestern Azure TL: USA (Az)
Celastrina echo gozora (Boisduval, 1870) Mexican Azure TL: Honduras; Mexico
Celastrina ladon (Cramer, 1780) Spring Azure TL: USA (Md)
Celastrina neglecta (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Summer Azure TL: USA (NY)
Echinargus isola (Reakirt, [1867]) Reakirt’s Blue [= alce], 
Hemiargus ceraunus astenidas (Lucas, 1857) Ceraunus Blue [= zachaeina], C & S TX, E & S Mexico to Panama
Hemiargus ceraunus gyas (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Ceraunus Blue SW USA, NW Mexico
Philotes sonorensis sonorensis (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Sonoran Blue TL: [USA (Ca)]
Philotes sonorensis (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) (Sierra Nevada segregate) Sonoran Blue Sierra Nevada Mts., CA
Philotiella speciosa speciosa (Hy. Edwards, 1877) Small Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Philotiella speciosa septentrionalis Austin, 1998 Small Blue TL: USA (Nv)
Philotiella speciosa bohartorum (Tilden, [1969]) Small Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Philotiella speciosa purisima Priestaf & J. Emmel, 1998 Small Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Philotiella leona Hammond & McCorkle, 2000 Leona's Blue TL: USA (Or)
Euphilotes [battoides] (Behr, 1867) (high-elevation, C & S Cascades) Square-spotted Blue [on Eriogonum marifolium], C & S Cascades, OR, far N CA
Euphilotes battoides battoides (Behr, 1867) Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes battoides argocyanea Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes battoides mazourka Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes battoides panamintensis Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes battoides allyni (Shields, 1975) Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes battoides vernalis Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Square-spotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes glaucon glaucon (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Glaucon Blue TL: USA (Nv)
Euphilotes glaucon oregonensis (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1917) Glaucon Blue TL: USA (Or)
Euphilotes glaucon australoglaucon Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Glaucon Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes glaucon comstocki (Shields, 1975) Glaucon Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes glaucon intermedia (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1917) Glaucon Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes glaucon (W. H. Edwards, 1871) (N Cascades segregate) Glaucon Blue Mt. Hood, OR, Mt. Adams, WA, N into WA Cascades
Euphilotes centralis centralis (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1917) Central Blue TL: USA (Co)
Euphilotes centralis hadrochilus Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Central Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes bernardino bernardino (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1916) Bernardino Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes bernardino inyomontana Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Bernardino Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes bernardino martini (Mattoni, 1954) 'Martin's' Bernardino Blue Hypothetical for Sonora
Euphilotes ellisii euromojavensis Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Ellis' Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes ellisii avawatz Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Ellis' Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes baueri baueri (Shields, 1975) Bauer's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes mojave mojave (F. Watson & W. Comstock, 1920) Mojave Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes enoptes (Boisduval, 1852) Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes bayensis (Langston, 1964) Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes (Boisduval, 1852) (Siskiyou segregate) Dotted Blue Siskiyou Mts., NW CA, SW OR
Euphilotes enoptes (Boisduval, 1852) (Cascades, low elevations) Dotted Blue W ORE Cascades below 4000', also SE WA Cascades
Euphilotes enoptes (Boisduval, 1852) (OR Cascades, high elevations) Dotted Blue ORE Cascades above 4000'
Euphilotes enoptes tildeni (Langston, 1964)  'Tilden's' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes arenacola Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998  'Sand Dune' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes smithi (Mattoni, 1954) 'Smith's' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes dammersi (J. A. Comstock & Henne, 1933) 'Dammers' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes cryptorufes Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 'Cryptorufes' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes enoptes langstoni (Shields, 1975) 'Langston's' Dotted Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes columbiae (Mattoni, 1954) (Typical segregate) Columbian Blue TL: USA (Wa)
Euphilotes columbiae (Mattoni, 1954) (C Oregon segregate) Columbian Blue Ochoco Mts, also W Jefferson Co., OR
Euphilotes ancilla ancilla (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) Ancilla Blue TL: USA (Ut)
Euphilotes ancilla (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) (SE OR segregate) Ancilla Blue
Euphilotes ancilla barnesi Opler & M. Fisher, 2009 Ancilla Blue TL: USA (Co)
Euphilotes ancilla pseudointermedia Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Ancilla Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes rita rita (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1916) Rita’s Blue TL: USA (Az)
Euphilotes rita coloradensis (Mattoni, [1966]) Rita’s Blue TL: USA (Co)
Euphilotes pallescens calneva J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Pallid Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes pallescens confusa Pratt & J. Emmel, 1998 Pallid Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes pallescens elvirae (Mattoni, [1966]) Pallid Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Euphilotes spaldingi spaldingi (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1917) Spalding's Blue TL: USA (Ut)
Euphilotes spaldingi pinjuna Scott, 1981 Spalding's Blue TL: USA (Co)
Glaucopsyche piasus umbrosa J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche piasus sagittigera (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Arrowhead Blue TL: [USA (Ca)]
Glaucopsyche piasus gabrielina J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche piasus excubita J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche piasus piasus (Boisduval, 1852) Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche piasus toxeuma F. Brown, 1971 Arrowhead Blue TL: Canada (BC)
Glaucopsyche piasus nevada F. Brown, 1975 Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Nv)
Glaucopsyche piasus daunia (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Arrowhead Blue TL: USA (Co)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus oro (Scudder, 1876) Silvery Blue TL: USA (Co)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus arizonensis McDunnough, 1936 Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus australis F. Grinnell, 1917 Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis E. Perkins & J. Emmel, 1977 Silvery Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus sabulosa J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Silvery Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus incognitus Tilden, 1974 Silvery Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus orcus (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Silvery Blue TL: [USA (Nv)]
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (E. Doubleday, 1841) (Sierra Nevada, high elevations) Silvery Blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus columbia (Skinner, 1917) Silvery Blue TL: USA (Wa)
Plebejus idas (Linnaeus, 1761) (NE Oregon segregate) Northern Blue [nr. atrapraetextus]
Plebejus anna anna (W. H. Edwards, 1861) Anna's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus anna ricei Cross, 1937 Anna's Blue TL: USA (Or)
Plebejus anna lotis (Lintner, 1878) Anna's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus anna azureus (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Anna's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus anna benwarner Scott, 2006 Anna's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus melissa melissa (W. H. Edwards, 1873) Melissa Blue TL: USA (Co)
Plebejus melissa pseudosamuelis (Nabokov, 1949) Melissa Blue TL: USA (Co)
Plebejus melissa inyoensis (Nabokov, 1949) Melissa Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus melissa paradoxa F. Chermock, 1945 Melissa Blue Baja California Norte
Plebejus fridayi F. Chermock, 1945 (Typical segregate) Friday's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Plebejus fridayi F. Chermock, 1945 (White Mountains segregate) Friday's Blue California White Mountains
Plebulina emigdionis (F. Grinnell, 1905) San Emigdio Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia saepiolus rufescens (Boisduval, 1869) Greenish Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia saepiolus aehaja (Behr, 1867) Greenish Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia saepiolus albomontanus Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Greenish Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia saepiolus whitmeri F. Brown, 1951 Greenish Blue TL: USA (Co)
Icaricia icarioides evius (Boisduval, 1869) Boisduval’s Blue Baja California Norte
Icaricia icarioides santana (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides moroensis Sternitzky, 1930 Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides atascadero (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides pardalis (Behr, 1867) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides missionensis Hovanitz, 1937 Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides parapheres (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides (Boisduval, 1852) (Mary's Peak, Benton Co., W OR) Boisduval's Blue
Icaricia icarioides (Boisduval, 1852) (N Cascades, OR, high elevations) Boisduval's Blue
Icaricia icarioides (Boisduval, 1852) (S Cascades, OR, high elevations) Boisduval's Blue
Icaricia icarioides helios (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides icarioides (Boisduval, 1852) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides eosierra (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides albihalos (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides inyo (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides argusmontana (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides panamintina (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides fulla (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia icarioides pembina (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Mt)
Icaricia icarioides lycea (W. H. Edwards, 1864) Boisduval's Blue TL: USA (Co)
Icaricia icarioides buchholzi dos Passos, 1938 Boisduval's Blue Chihuahua, Mexico
Icaricia shasta shasta (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Shasta Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia shasta calchas (Behr, 1867) Shasta Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia shasta (W. H. Edwards, 1862) (NW fringe Great Basin segregate) Shasta Blue White Mts. CA/NV to Warner Mts. CA/OR, E to Harney Co., OR
Icaricia shasta pallidissima (Austin, 1998) Shasta Blue TL: USA (Nv)
Icaricia shasta pitkinensis Ferris, 1976 Shasta Blu [= platazul]
Icaricia acmon (Westwood, [1851]) Acmon Blue WA, OR, NV, CA & Baja California
Icaricia lupini texanus (Goodpasture, 1973) "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Az)
Icaricia lupini lutzi dos Passos, 1938 "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Id)
Icaricia lupini (Boisduval, 1869) (SE Oregon segregate) "Lupine" Blue
Icaricia lupini (Boisduval, 1869) (W Columbia Basin segregate) "Lupine" Blue
Icaricia lupini (Boisduval, 1869) (SE Cascades, OR, NE CA) "Lupine" Blue
Icaricia lupini (Boisduval, 1869) (Siskiyous, W OR Cascades) "Lupine" Blue
Icaricia lupini lupini (Boisduval, 1869) "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia lupini alpicola (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia lupini dedeckera (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia lupini argentata (J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998) "Lupine" Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia lupini chlorina (Skinner, 1902) Chlorina Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Icaricia lupini monticola (Clemence, 1909) Monticola Blue Baja California Norte
Icaricia lupini (Boisduval, 1869) complex (Cascades, high elevations) Cascadian Blue C Cascades of OR to S WA, on Eriogonum pyrolifolium
Icaricia cotundra Scott, 2006 Cotundra Blue TL: USA (Co)
Icaricia neurona (Skinner, 1902) Veined Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Agriades glandon rustica (W. H. Edwards, 1865) Arctic Blue TL: USA (Co)
Agriades glandon punctatus (Austin, 1998) Arctic Blue TL: USA (Az)
Agriades glandon cassiope (J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998) Arctic Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Agriades podarce cilla (Behr, 1867) Sierra Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Agriades podarce podarce (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1865) Sierra Blue TL: USA (Ca)
Agriades podarce klamathensis (J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998) Sierra Blue TL: USA (Ca)
    Family RIODINIDAE Grote, 1895 (1827) METALMARKS
    Subfamily Euselasiinae Kirby, 1871 Euselasia and relatives
Euselasia hieronymi hieronymi (Godman & Salvin, 1868) Red-rayed Euselasia  E Mexico to Nicaragua
    Subfamily Riodininae Grote, 1895 (1827) True Metalmarks
Mesosemia lamachus Hewitson, 1857 Purple-washed Eyed-Metalmark [= tertica], E & W Mexico to Colombia
Voltinia umbra (Boisduval, 1870) (Typical segregate) Quilted Metalmark  E Mexico to Panama
Ithomiola theages tessera Hall, 2005 White-spotted Metalmark SE Mexico to Costa Rica
Rhetus arcius thia (Morisse, 1838) Long-tailed Metalmark E Mexico
Brachyglenis esthema esthema C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862 White-rayed Metalmark Costa Rica & Colombia
Brachyglenis dinora (H. Bates, 1866) Dinora Metalmark Nicaragua to Colombia
Notheme erota diadema Stichel, 1910 Tawny Metalmark S Mexico to Bolivia
Detritivora barnesi (J. Hall & Harvey, 2001) Barnes' Metalmark SE Mexico to W Ecuador
Calephelis virginiensis (Guérin-Méneville, [1832]) Little Metalmark E TX to FL, N to VA
Calephelis nemesis australis (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Fatal Calephelis S TX, NE Mexico
Calephelis nemesis nemesis (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Fatal Calephelis SE AZ, S NM, NW Mexico
Calephelis nemesis dammersi McAlpine, 1971 Fatal Calephelis [= californica], S CA, Baja California 
Calephelis perditalis perditalis W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 Rounded Calephelis S TX to SE Mexico
Calephelis wrighti W. Holland, 1930 Wright’s Calephelis Baja California, lower Colorado River drainage
Calephelis arizonensis McAlpine, 1971 Arizona Calephelis  SE AZ, SW NM, NW Mexico
Calephelis velutina (Godman & Salvin, 1878) Dark Calephelis S Mexico to Colombia
Caria ino melicerta Schaus, 1890 Red-bordered Metalmark E Mexico, S TX
Baeotis zonata zonata R. Felder, 1869 Bumblebee Metalmark E & W Mexico to Venezuela 
Lasaia sula peninsularis Clench, 1972 Blue Lasaia S TX, E Mexico
Lasaia sessilis Schaus, 1890 Gray Lasaia E & S Mexico to Costa Rica
Lasaia maria maria Clench, 1972 Blue-gray Lasaia W Mexico to Guatemala, Honduras
Lasaia maria anna Clench, 1972 Blue-gray Lasaia E Mexico
Melanis pixe pixe (Boisduval, 1836) Pixie  [= sexpunctata], S TX, E & W Mexico to Guatemala
Sarota myrtea Godman & Salvin, 1886 Godman's Sarota E Mexico to W Ecuador, Venezuela to Argentina
Anteros carausius carausius Westwood, 1851 Carousing Anteros E & W Mexico to Colombia
Calydna sturnula (Geyer, 1837) Sturnula Metalmark [= hegias, = sinuata], E & W Mexico to Panama
Emesis aurimna (Boisduval, 1870) White-spotted Emesis  E & S Mexico to Colombia
Emesis mandana furor Butler & H. Druce, 1872 Great Emesis  E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Emesis tegula Godman & Salvin, 1886 Tegula Emesis E & W Mexico to Colombia
Emesis poeas Godman, 1901 Thorn-scrub Emesis  W Mexico
Emesis fatimella nobilata Stichel, 1910 Fatimella Emesis  S Mexico to Colombia, Guianas, Trinidad
Emesis tenedia C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861 Falcate Emesis S TX (as stray), E & W Mexico to Brazil
Emesis zela cleis (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Zela Emesis  S AZ, SW NM, NW Mexico
Emesis zela zela Butler, 1870 Zela Emesis W & C Mexico to Guatemala
Emesis ares (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Ares Emesis SE AZ, SW NM, NW Mexico
Emesis emesia (Hewitson, 1867) Curve-winged Emesis E & W Mexico to Yucatan
Apodemia mormo mormo (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) Mormon Metalmark Columbia Basin, NW Great Basin to E edge Cascades, Siskiyous
Apodemia mormo autumnalis Austin, 1998 Mormon Metalmark N AZ, N NM, SE CA, SW UT, S NV; possibly E to SW CO
Apodemia mormo cythera (W. H. Edwards, 1873) Mormon Metalmark widespread in S CA, univoltine in fall
Apodemia mormo tuolumnensis Opler & Powell, 1962 Mormon Metalmark C & S Sierra Nevada, at least
Apodemia mormo langei J. A. Comstock, 1939 Mormon Metalmark vic. Antioch, Contra Costa Co., CA
Apodemia mormo (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) (C & S CA Coast Ranges) Mormon Metalmark CA San Fran. Bay area S to Baywood Park area, SLO Co.
Apodemia mormo (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) (Cottonwood Pass segregate) Mormon Metalmark [nr. langei], Ortega Grade to Cottonwood Pass, SLO Co., CA
Apodemia virgulti peninsularis J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Behr's Metalmark San Jacinto, Palomar & Laguna Mts., Riv., S.D. cos., CA; univoltine
Apodemia virgulti virgulti (Behr, 1865) Behr's Metalmark SW CA, Baja California (N); widespread, multivoltine
Apodemia virgulti arenaria J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Behr's Metalmark El Segundo, Los Angeles Co., CA
Apodemia virgulti nigrescens J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Behr's Metalmark vic. Colton, San Bernardino Co., CA
Apodemia virgulti pratti J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Behr's Metalmark Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino Mts., San Bernardino Co., CA
Apodemia virgulti dialeucoides J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Behr's Metalmark San Bernardino Mts.; Sugarloaf Mt. E to Onyx Peak; univoltine
Apodemia virgulti mojavelimbus J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Behr's Metalmark SW edge Mojave Desert & San Gabriel Mts.; univoltine (spring)
Apodemia virgulti davenporti J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Pratt, 1998 Behr's Metalmark E slope S. Nevada (Olancha to Walker Pass); Tehachapis, Piutes
Apodemia mejicanus deserti W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 'Desert' Mexican Metalmark Colorado Desert
Apodemia mejicanus mejicanus (Behr, 1865) Mexican Metalmark NW Mexico, SE AZ
Apodemia mejicanus pueblo Scott, 1998 'Northern' Mexican Metalmark E NM, S-central CO, N CO, SE WY, E MT, W ND
Apodemia mejicanus (Behr, 1865) (S San Luis Valley segregate) 'Dark' Mexican Metalmark S San Luis Valley, CO-NM
Apodemia palmerii palmerii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Palmer’s Metalmark Baja California (N), S CA, S NV, SW UT, W AZ
Apodemia palmerii arizona Austin, [1989] Palmer’s Metalmark C AZ to W TX, NW Mexico (SON, SIN, CHIH)
Apodemia hepburni hepburni Godman & Salvin, 1886 Hepburn’s Metalmark NW Mexico, uncommon in SE AZ, W TX
Apodemia hypoglauca hypoglauca (Godman & Salvin, 1878) Falcate Metalmark E & W Mexico, Guatemala
Apodemia walkeri Godman & Salvin, 1886 Walker’s Metalmark  S TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico to NW Costa Rica
Apodemia phyciodoides W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1924 Crescent Metalmark  SE AZ (extirpated), NW Mexico (SON, CHIH)
Apodemia nais (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Nais Metalmark N-central CO to SW NM, C & SE AZ, NW Mexico (CHIH,  SON, DGO)
Thisbe lycorias (Hewitson, [1853])  Banner Metalmark E & W Mexico to Colombia & Peru
Juditha caucana (Stichel, 1911) Molpe Metalmark [ = records of molpe from region], SE Mexico to W Ecuador]
Adelotypa eudocia (Godman & Salvin, 1897) Tiny Metalmark  NW Mexico to Costa Rica
    Family NYMPHALIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 BRUSHFOOTS
    Subfamily Libytheinae Boisduval, 1833 Snouts
Libytheana carinenta streckeri Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 American Snout SW USA (W TX to CA), far NW Mexico, strays far N
Libytheana carinenta larvata (Strecker, [1878]) American Snout C & S TX, NE Mexico, strays far N (regularly to to E CO)
Libytheana carinenta bachmanii (Kirtland, 1851) American Snout E North America, [rarely Cuba]
    Subfamily Danainae Boisduval, [1833] Monarch and relatives
    Tribe Danaini Boisduval, [1833]
Danaus plexippus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) Monarch N & C America, Cuba, N Bahamas (to Crooked I.); migratory
Danaus gilippus thersippus (H. Bates, 1863) Queen continental; SW USA & TX (strays far N) to Colombia
Danaus eresimus montezuma Talbot, 1943 Soldier continental; S TX to Colombia (strays N)
Lycorea halia atergatis E. Doubleday, [1847] Tiger Mimic-Queen continental; S TX (rare stray) to N South America, [St. Lucia]
Anetia thirza thirza Geyer, [1833] Cloud-forest King C Mexico to El Salvador
    Tribe Ithomiini Godman & Salvin, 1879 (1878) Clearwings and Tigerwings
Tithorea tarricina duenna H. Bates, 1864 Cream-spotted Tigerwing SE Mexico & Guatemala
Ithomia leila Hewitson, 1852 Leila’s Clearwing SE Mexico & Guatemala
Ithomia patilla Hewitson, 1852 Patilla Clearwing SE Mexico to Panama
Oleria paula (Weymer, 1883) (Typical segregate) Paula’s Clearwing E & SW Mexico to Panama
Dircenna klugii (Geyer, 1837) (Typical segregate) Klug’s Clearwing S TX (very rare stray), E & W Mexico to Nicaragua
Pteronymia cotytto (Guérin-Méneville, [1844]) (Typical segregate) Cotytto Clearwing E & S Mexico to Nicaragua, [Costa Rica?]
Pteronymia rufocincta (Salvin, 1869) West-Mexican Clearwing W Mexico (NAY to OAX)
Hypoleria lavinia cassotis (H. Bates, 1864) Lavinia Clearwing  S Mexico to Honduras
Greta annette moschion (Godman, 1901) 'Rusted' White-spotted Clearwing W Mexico (NAY to S OAX)
Greta morgane oto (Hewitson, [1855]) 'Darkened' Rusty Clearwing E Mexico to Panama
    Subfamily Heliconiinae Swainson, 1822 Actinotes, Heliconians and Fritillaries
    Tribe Acraeini Boisduval, 1833 Actinotes
Altinote stratonice oaxaca (J. Y. Miller & L. Miller, 1979) Orange-disked Actinote S Oaxaca (Sierra Madre del Sur)
    Tribe Heliconiini Swainson, 1822 Longwings
Agraulis vanillae incarnata (N. Riley, 1926) Gulf Fritillary SW USA, C & S TX (strays far N) through Central America; Hawaii
Dione moneta poeyii Butler, 1873 Mexican Silverspot  E & W Mexico (strays N into USA) to Panama
Dione juno huascuma (Reakirt, 1866) Juno Longwing E & W Mexico through Central America
Dryadula phaetusa (Linnaeus, 1758) Banded Longwing S TX (rare stray), E & S Mexico to Brazil
Dryas iulia moderata (N. Riley, 1926) Julia  S TX (strays far N), E & W Mexico through Central America
Eueides lineata Salvin & Godman, 1868 Thick-edged Longwing S Mexico to Panama
Eueides isabella eva (Fabricius, 1793) Isabella’s Longwing [= zoracon], E Mexico (strays far N) through Central America
Heliconius charithonia vazquezae W. Comstock & F. Brown, 1950 Zebra Longwing S TX (strays far N), E & W Mexico through Central America
Heliconius charithonia tuckeri W. Comstock & F. Brown, 1950 Zebra Longwing E TX to FL (strays N), Grand Bahama, Great Abaco
Heliconius hortense Guérin-Méneville, [1844] Mexican Longwing  E & W Mexico to El Salvador & Honduras
Heliconius erato petiverana (E. Doubleday, 1847) Crimson-patched Longwing S TX, E Mexico to Panama
Heliconius ismenius telchinia Doubleday, 1847 Tiger-striped Longwing  E Mexico to Panama
    Tribe Argynnini Swainson, 1833 Fritillaries
Euptoieta claudia (Cramer, 1775) Variegated Fritillary S N Am. (strays far N) to Panama, Bahamas, Gr. Antilles, Barbuda
Euptoieta hegesia meridiania Stichel, 1938 Mexican Fritillary  [= hoffmanni], S TX, W MX (strays N), E Mexico to Argentina
Boloria eunomia caelestis (Hemming, 1933) Bog Fritillary north and central Colorado Rocky Mountains
Boloria selene tollandensis (W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1925) Silver-bordered Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Boloria freija browni (Higgins, 1953) Freija Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Boloria chariclea helena (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Purplish Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Boloria epithore sierra E. Perkins, 1973 Pacific Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Boloria epithore chermocki E. Perkins & S. Perkins, 1966 Pacific Fritillary TL: USA (Or)
Boloria frigga sagata (W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1923) Frigga Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria diana (Cramer, 1777) Diana Fritillary TL: USA (Va)
Speyeria cybele cybele (Fabricius, 1775) Great Spangled Fritillary TL: USA (NY)
Speyeria cybele charlottii (W. Barnes, 1897) Great Spangled Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria cybele leto (Behr, 1862) Great Spangled Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria cybele pugetensis F. Chermock & Frechin, 1947 Great Spangled Fritillary TL: USA (Wa)
Speyeria aphrodite ethne (Hemming, 1933) Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite byblis (W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1926) Aphrodite Fritillary TL: USA (Az)
Speyeria nokomis nitocris (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Nokomis Fritillary TL: USA (Az)
Speyeria edwardsii (Reakirt, 1866) Edwards' Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria coronis coronis (Behr, 1864) Coronis Fritillary 
Speyeria coronis simaetha dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Coronis Fritillary  TL: USA (Wa)
Speyeria coronis halcyone (W. H. Edwards, [1869]) Coronis Fritillary  TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria zerene hippolyta (W. H. Edwards, 1879) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Or)
Speyeria zerene gloriosa Moeck, 1957 Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Or)
Speyeria zerene (Boisduval, 1852) (S OR coastal segregate) Zerene Fritillary
Speyeria zerene behrensii (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene sonomensis J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene puntareyes J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene monticola (Behr, 1863) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene malcolmi (J. A. Comstock, 1920) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene zerene (Boisduval, 1852) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene (Boisduval, 1852) (E-central OR Cascades) Zerene Fritillary
Speyeria zerene gunderi (J. A. Comstock, 1925) Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria zerene sinope dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Zerene Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria callippe adiasteoides J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe liliana (Hy. Edwards, 1877) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe callippe (Boisduval, 1852) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe comstocki (Gunder, 1925) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe macaria (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe laurina (W. G. Wright, 1905) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe rupestris (Behr, 1863) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe inornata (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe juba (Boisduval, 1869) Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe hagemani J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe shasta J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria callippe elaine dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Callippe Fritillary   TL: USA (Or)
Speyeria callippe (Boisduval, 1852) (N Siskiyous/ W Cascades, low elevations) Callippe Fritillary  N Siskiyous, W Cascades, Oregon, below 3500'
Speyeria callippe semivirida (McDunnough, 1924) Callippe Fritillary
Speyeria callippe nevadensis (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Callippe Fritillary TL: USA (Nv)
Speyeria callippe gallatini (McDunnough, 1929) Callippe Fritillary
Speyeria callippe meadii (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Callippe Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria egleis tehachapina (J. A. Comstock, 1920) Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Ca) May be extinct
Speyeria egleis egleis (Behr, 1862) Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria egleis (Behr, 1862) (Warner Mts. segregate) Great Basin Fritillary Warner Mts., Lake Co. OR / Modoc Co., CA
Speyeria egleis oweni (W. H. Edwards, 1892) Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria egleis mattooni J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria egleis yolaboli J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria egleis secreta dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Great Basin Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria adiaste adiaste (W. H. Edwards, 1864) Unsilvered Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria adiaste clemencei (J. A. Comstock, 1925) Unsilvered Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria atlantis sorocko Scott, Kondla & Spomer, 1998 Atlantis Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria hesperis irene (Boisduval, 1869) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hesperis hanseni J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hesperis cottlei (J. A. Comstock, 1925) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hesperis dodgei (Gunder, 1931) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Or)
Speyeria hesperis hesperis (W. H. Edwards, 1864) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria hesperis electa (W. H. Edwards, 1878) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria hesperis nausicaa (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Northwestern Fritillary TL: USA (Az)
Speyeria hydaspe viridicornis (J. A. Comstock, 1925) Hydaspe Fritillary
Speyeria hydaspe hydaspe (Boisduval, 1869) Hydaspe Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hydaspe tehama J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Hydaspe Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hydaspe davisi J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Hydaspe Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria hydaspe rhodope (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Hydaspe Fritillary TL: Canada (BC)
Speyeria hydaspe (Boisduval, 1869) (NW OR / SW WA Coast Range) Hydaspe Fritillary
Speyeria mormonia erinna (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Mormon Fritillary TL: USA (Wa)
Speyeria mormonia eurynome (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Mormon Fritillary TL: USA (Co)
Speyeria mormonia mormonia (Boisduval, 1869) Mormon Fritillary TL: USA (Nv)
Speyeria mormonia obsidiana J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Mormon Fritillary TL: USA (Ca)
Speyeria mormonia luski (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1913) Mormon Fritillary TL: USA (Az)
    Subfamily Limenitidinae Behr, 1864 Sisters and Admirals
    Tribe Limenitidini Behr, 1864
Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Fabricius, 1775) Red-Spotted Purple
Limenitis arthemis arizonensis W. H. Edwards, 1882 'Arizona' Red-spotted Purple TL: USA (Az)
Limenitis weidemeyerii weidemeyerii W. H. Edwards, 1861 Weidemeyer’s Admiral TL: USA (Co)
Limenitis weidemeyerii latifascia S. Perkins & E. Perkins, 1967 Weidemeyer’s Admiral TL: USA (Id)
Limenitis weidemeyerii angustifascia (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1912) Weidemeyer’s Admiral TL: USA (Az)
Limenitis lorquini powelli Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Lorquin's Admiral
Limenitis lorquini pallidafacies Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Lorquin's Admiral TL: USA (Nv)
Limenitis lorquini lorquini Boisduval, 1852 Lorquin's Admiral TL: USA (Ca)
Limenitis lorquini ilgae C. Guppy, 2001 Lorquin's Admiral
Limenitis lorquini burrisonii Maynard, 1891 Lorquin's Admiral
Limenitis archippus floridensis Strecker, 1878 Viceroy vagrant in Cuba
Limenitis archippus obsoleta W. H. Edwards, 1882 Viceroy NW Mexico
Limenitis archippus hoffmanni R. Chermock, 1947 Viceroy E Mexico
Adelpha eulalia (E. Doubleday, [1848]) Arizona Sister far SE CA, S NV, UT, AZ, NM, S CO, TX (strays N), Mx to Guat.
Adelpha californica (Butler, 1865) California Sister Baja California (N) to S WA, Cascade-Sierra Nevada, westward
Adelpha diocles creton Godman, 1901 Short-tailed Sister E-central & S Mexico to Guatemala & El Salvador
Adelpha paroeca paroeca (H. Bates, 1864) Paroeca Sister [= emathia], E & W Mexico to W Panama
Adelpha fessonia fessonia (Hewitson, 1847) Band-celled Sister S TX, E & W Mexico to W Panama
Adelpha basiloides (H. Bates, 1865) Spot-celled Sister S TX, E & W Mexico to N Venezuela & W Ecuador
Adelpha iphicleola iphicleola (H. Bates, 1864) Iphicleola Sister [= massilides], E & W Mexico to E Panama
    Subfamily Apaturinae Boisduval, 1840 Emperors
Asterocampa celtis antonia (W. H. Edwards, [1878]) Hackberry Emperor [= jeffermont] SW USA (SE CA to TX, N to SE CO), N & C Mexico
Asterocampa leilia (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Empress leilia S & C AZ, SW NM, S & W TX, E & NW Mexico, Baja California
Asterocampa clyton louisa D. Stallings & Turner, 1947 Tawny Emperor S TX, NE Mexico (to SLP)
Asterocampa idyja argus (H. Bates, 1864) ‘Cream-banded’ Dusky Emperor SE AZ (as vagrant), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Doxocopa pavon theodora (Lucas, 1857) Pavon Emperor  S TX, E & W Mexico to Colombia
Doxocopa laure laure (Drury, 1773) Silver Emperor continental; S TX, SE AZ (uncommon) to Panama
    Subfamily Biblidinae Boisduval, 1833 Exotic Brushfoots
    Tribe Biblidini Boisduval, 1833
Biblis hyperia aganisa Boisduval, 1836 Red Rim SW USA & S TX (strays N), E & W Mexico at least to Costa Rica
Mestra amymone (Ménétriés, 1857) Northern Mestra S TX (strays far N), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
    Tribe Catonephelini Orfila, 1952 (1865)
Catonephele numilia esite (R. Felder, 1869) Blue-frosted Banner E Mexico to W Ecuador, Venezuela & Trinidad
Eunica tatila tatila (Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]) Florida Purplewing E & W Mexico (strays far N from E MX) to Costa Rica
Eunica monima (Stoll, 1782) Dingy Purplewing  SE AZ & S TX (strays), E & W Mexico to Venez.; Gr. Antilles, S FL
Myscelia cyananthe skinneri Mengel, 1894 Blackened Bluewing NW Mexico, stray to S AZ, S CA, S NM
Myscelia cyaniris cyaniris Doubleday, [1848] Whitened Bluewing E Mexico to Panama
Myscelia ethusa ethusa (Doyère, [1840]) Mexican Bluewing S TX, E & W Mexico
    Tribe Ageroniini E. Doubleday, 1847
Hamadryas februa (Hübner, [1823]) (NW Mexican segregate) Gray Cracker  NW Mexico
Hamadryas februa ferentina (Godart, [1824]) Gray Cracker  S TX, E & S Mexico to Colombia, Trinidad, Guianas & Amazon
Hamadryas glauconome grisea Jenkins, 1983 Glaucous Cracker NW Mexico
Hamadryas glauconome glauconome (H. Bates, 1864) Glaucous Cracker S TX (rare stray), E & S Mexico to Costa Rica (Panama?)
Hamadryas atlantis lelaps (Godman & Salvin, 1883) Black-patched Cracker W Mexico
Hamadryas guatemalena marmarice (Fruhstorfer, 1916) Guatamalan Cracker S TX, most of Mexico
Hamadryas iphthime joannae Jenkins, 1983 Brownish Cracker S TX (rare stray), E & S Mexico to Costa Rica
Hamadryas amphinome mexicana (Lucas, 1853) Red Cracker E Mexico to Colombia, Cuba
    Tribe Epiphelini Jenkins, 1987
Epiphile adrasta adrasta Hewitson, 1861 Common Banner S TX (as vagrant), E Mexico to W Panama
Pyrrhogyra otolais otolais H. Bates, 1864 Double-banded Banner E & W Mexico to Panama
Temenis laothoe quilapayunia R. G. De la Maza & Turrent, 1985 Orange Banner W Mexico
Temenis laothoe (Cramer, 1777) (E Mexican segregate) Orange Banner S TX (as vagrant), E Mexico
    Tribe Eubagini Burmeister, 1878
Dynamine postverta mexicana d'Almeida, 1952 Mexican Sailor  [= mylitta], S TX (rare stray), E & W Mexico, C America, Cuba
Dynamine dyonis Geyer, 1837 Blue-eyed Sailor  S TX, E & W Mexico to Panama
    Tribe Callicorini Orfila, 1952
Diaethria anna anna (Guérin-Méneville, [1844]) Anna’s Eighty-eight E Mexico to Costa Rica
Diaethria pandama (Doubleday, [1848]) Orange-striped Eighty-eight E & W Mexico to Panama
    Subfamily Cyrestinae Guenée, 1865 Daggerwings
    Tribe Cyrestini Guenée, 1865
Marpesia chiron (Fabricius, 1775) Many-banded Daggerwing S TX (strays N), E & W Mexico to Argentina, Greater Antilles
Marpesia corita corita (Westwood, 1850) Orange-banded Daggerwing E & S Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras
Marpesia harmonia (Klug, 1836) Pale Daggerwing SE Mexico & Guatemala
Marpesia petreus (Cramer, 1776) (Northern segregate) Ruddy Daggerwing S FL, S TX, E & W Mexico (strays far N) to W Ecuador
    Subfamily Nymphalinae Rafinesque, 1815 True Brushfoots
    Tribe Nymphalini Rafinesque, 1815
Colobura dirce dirce (Linnaeus, 1758) Dirce Beauty E & W Mexico to Argentina
Smyrna blomfildia datis Fruhstorfer, 1908 Blomfild’s Beauty S TX, E & W Mexico to Panama
Smyrna karwinskii Geyer, [1833] Karwinski’s Beauty E & W Mexico to Nicaragua
Hypanartia godmanii (H. Bates, 1864) Godman's Mapwing E & W Mexico to Colombia
Hypanartia trimaculata autumna Willmott, J. Hall & Lamas, 2001 Reddish Mapwing [Mexican "kefersteini" records], E & S Mexico to Panama
Vanessa virginiensis (Drury, 1773) American Lady N Bahamas, Gr. Antilles, Hawaii, Canary Is.; N. Am. to Colombia
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) Painted Lady nearly cosmopolitan as vagrant; uncommon or vagrant in W. Indies
Vanessa annabella (W. D. Field, 1971) West Coast Lady 
Vanessa atalanta rubria (Fruhstorfer, 1909) Red Admiral Gr. Antilles (not PR), N Bahamas (strays), N Am. to Guat., Venez.
Aglais milberti subpallida (Cockerell, 1889) Milbert's Tortoiseshell TL: USA (Co)
Aglais milberti pullum (Austin, 1998) Milbert's Tortoiseshell TL: USA (Az)
Nymphalis californica (Boisduval, 1852) California Tortoiseshell TL: USA (Ca)
Nymphalis antiopa antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Mourning Cloak TL: Sweden; America
Polygonia interrogationis (Fabricius, 1798) Question Mark TL: N. America
Polygonia comma (T. Harris, 1842) Comma Anglewing TL: USA (Ma)
Polygonia satyrus satyrus  (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Satyr Anglewing TL: USA (Co)
Polygonia satyrus neomarsyas dos Passos, 1969 Satyr Anglewing [= transcanada]
Polygonia oreas silenus (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Oreas Anglewing TL: USA (Or)
Polygonia gracilis zephyrus (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Zephyr Anglewing TL: USA (Nv)
Polygonia haroldii (Dewitz, 1877) Spotless Anglewing Mexico
Polygonia faunus rusticus (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Green Anglewing TL: USA (Ca)
Polygonia faunus fulvescens J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Green Anglewing TL: USA (Ca)
Polygonia faunus hylas (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Green Anglewing TL: USA (Co)
    Tribe Victorinini Scudder, 1893
Anartia jatrophae luteipicta (Fruhstorfer, 1907) White Peacock S TX (strays far N), E & W Mexico through Central America
Anartia jatrophae guantanamo Munroe, 1942 White Peacock S FL (strays N), Bahamas, Cuba, Turks & Caicos
Anartia fatima fatima (Fabricius, 1793) Banded Peacock S TX, E & S Mexico to far NW Colombia
Siproeta stelenes biplagiata (Fruhstorfer, 1907) Malachite  S TX (strays N), E & W Mexico to Amazon, S FL, Cuba, Caymans
Siproeta epaphus epaphus (Latreille, 1813) Rusty-tipped Page S TX, S NM (rare strays), E & W Mexico to Peru
    Tribe Junoniini Reuter, 1896
Junonia coenia coenia Hübner, [1822] Northern Buckeye E USA (strays N), Bermuda, Cuba & Isla de Juventud
Junonia coenia grisea Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Northern Buckeye Baja California, California, SW Oregon (strays N & NE)
Junonia evarete nigrosuffusa W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1916 Dark Buckeye SW USA & C TX to S Mexico (strays N)
    Tribe Melitaeini Newman, [1870]
Euphydryas editha editha (Boisduval, 1852) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha augustina (W. G. Wright, 1905) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha quino (Behr, 1863) Edith’s Checkerspot, Quino Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha ehrlichi Baughman & Murphy, 1998 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha nubigena (Behr, 1863) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha tahoensis Austin & Murphy, 1998 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Nv)
Euphydryas editha aurilacus Gunder, 1928 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha lawrencei Gunder, 1931 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Or)
Euphydryas editha rubicunda (Hy. Edwards, 1881) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha baroni (W. H. Edwards, 1879) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha karinae Baughman & Murphy, 1998 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha luestherae Murphy & P. Ehrlich, 1981 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha monoensis Gunder, 1928 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha edithana (Strand, 1915) Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas editha (Boisduval, 1852) (C Oregon) Edith's Checkerspot Pine Mtn. area, Deschutes Co., OR
Euphydryas editha mattooni Austin & Murphy, 1998 Edith's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona kingstonensis T. Emmel & J. Emmel, 1973 Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona corralensis T. Emmel & J. Emmel, 1973 Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona hennei Scott, 1981 Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona sierra (W. G. Wright, 1905) Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona dwinellei (Hy. Edwards, 1881) Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona olancha (W. G. Wright, 1905) Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona trinitina Baughman & Murphy, 1998 Chalcedon Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas chalcedona chalcedona (E. Doubleday, [1847]) Chalcedon Checkerspot [= sinecat]
Euphydryas colon sperryi F. Chermock & R. Chermock, 1945 Snowberry Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Euphydryas colon colon (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Snowberry Checkerspot TL: USA (Wa)
Euphydryas colon (W. H. Edwards, 1881) (E-central OR Cascades) Snowberry Checkerspot
Euphydryas colon (W. H. Edwards, 1881) (SE Cascades, Warner Mts.) Snowberry Checkerspot [nr. wallacensis]
Euphydryas colon wallacensis Gunder, 1928 Snowberry Checkerspot TL: USA (Id)
Euphydryas colon (W. H. Edwards, 1881) (central WA Cascades) Snowberry Checkerspot [often called paradoxa in literature] C WA Cascades from C Yakima to far S Chelan Co.
Euphydryas anicia (E. Doubleday, [1847]) (N WA Cascades) Anicia Checkerspot
Euphydryas anicia brucei (W. H. Edwards, 1888) Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Euphydryas anicia eurytion (Mead, 1875) Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Euphydryas anicia magdalena W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Az)
Euphydryas anicia hermosa (W. G. Wright, 1905) Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Az)
Euphydryas anicia capella (W. Barnes, 1897) Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Euphydryas anicia bernadetta Leussler, 1920 Anicia Checkerspot [= rorina]
Euphydryas anicia wheeleri (Hy. Edwards, 1881) Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Nv)
Euphydryas anicia variicolor Baughman & Murphy, 1998 Anicia Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Poladryas arachne arachne (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Arachne Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Poladryas arachne nympha (W. H. Edwards, 1884) Arachne Checkerspot TL: USA (Az)
Chlosyne janais janais (Drury, 1782) Crimson-patch Checkerspot C & S TX, T & S Mexico to Colombia
Chlosyne ehrenbergii (Geyer, [1833]) White-rayed Checkerspot Mexico
Chlosyne definita anastasia (Hemming, 1934) Definite Checkerspot C & NW Mexico
Chlosyne marina (Geyer, 1837) (SW Mexico) Marina Checkerspot Guerrero and Oaxaca
Chlosyne endeis pardelina Scott, 1986 Banded Checkerspot S TX, NE Mexico
Chlosyne hippodrome hippodrome (Geyer, 1837) Simple Checkerspot  E & W Mexico to Colombia
Chlosyne rosita browni Bauer, 1961 Rosita Checkerspot S TX (as stray), E Mexico
Chlosyne rosita montana A. Hall, 1924 Rosita Checkerspot C and NW Mexico, SE AZ (as stray)
Chlosyne theona brocki (Austin & M. Smith, 1998) Theona Checkerspot NW Mexico (Sonora to N Nayarit)
Chlosyne theona thekla (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Theona Checkerspot far NW Mexico (N Sonora, SE AZ, SW NM
Chlosyne theona bollii (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Theona Checkerspot C Texas, NE Mexico
Chlosyne cyneas (Godman & Salvin, 1878) Cyneas Checkerspot  SE AZ, SW NM, S to Oaxaca
Chlosyne fulvia fulvia (W. H. Edwards, 1879) Fulvia Checkerspot W NE, W KS, E CO, E NM, W TX, far NE Mexico
Chlosyne fulvia pariaensis (M. Smith & Brock, 1988) Fulvia Checkerspot S-central UT, N-central AZ
Chlosyne fulvia coronado (M. Smith & Brock, 1988) Fulvia Checkerspot AZ, SW NM, far NW Mexico
Chlosyne leanira oregonensis Bauer, 1975 Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Or)
Chlosyne leanira leanira (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1860) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne leanira nebularum (Austin & M. Smith, 1998) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne leanira elegans (Priestaf & J. Emmel, 1998) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne leanira wrightii (W. H. Edwards, 1886) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne leanira alma (Strecker, [1878]) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Az)
Chlosyne leanira basinensis (Austin & M. Smith, 1998) Leanira Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne nycteis nycteis (E. Doubleday, [1847]) Silvery Checkerspot TL: USA
Chlosyne nycteis drusius (W. H. Edwards, 1884) Silvery Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Chlosyne gorgone carlota (Reakirt, 1866) Gorgone Checkerspot TL: USA (Mo)
Chlosyne californica (W. G. Wright, 1905) California Patch TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne lacinia lacinia (Geyer, 1837) Bordered Patch C Mexico to Panama
Chlosyne lacinia crocale (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Bordered Patch NW Mexico, SW USA (strays N)
Chlosyne lacinia adjutrix Scudder, 1875 Bordered Patch NE Mexico, S & C Texas (strays N)
Chlosyne hoffmanni hoffmanni (Behr, 1863) Hoffmann's Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne hoffmanni segregata (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) Hoffmann's Checkerspot TL: USA (Or)
Chlosyne hoffmanni manchada Bauer, 1960 Hoffmann's Checkerspot TL: USA (Wa)
Chlosyne whitneyi (Behr, 1863) Sierra Nevada Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne acastus sabina (W. G. Wright, 1905) Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Az)
Chlosyne acastus neumoegeni (Skinner, 1895) Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Ut)
Chlosyne acastus arkanyon M. Fisher, & Scott, 2006 Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Chlosyne acastus vallismortis (J. Johnson, 1938) Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne acastus waucoba J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne acastus sterope (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Sagebrush Checkerspot TL: USA (Or)
Chlosyne gabbii gabbii (Behr, 1863) Gabb’s Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne gabbii atrifasciata Hawks & J. Emmel, 1998 Gabb’s Checkerspot  TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne palla eremita (W. G. Wright, 1905) Northern Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne palla palla (Boisduval, 1852) Northern Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne palla (Boisduval, 1852) (E Columbia Gorge segregate) Northern Checkerspot
Chlosyne palla (Boisduval, 1852) (E-central OR Cascades) Northern Checkerspot
Chlosyne palla altasierra J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Northern Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne palla australomontana J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Northern Checkerspot TL: USA (Ca)
Chlosyne palla blackmorei Pelham, 2008 Northern Checkerspot
Chlosyne palla flavula (W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) Northern Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Chlosyne damoetas damoetas (Skinner, 1902) Rockslide Checkerspot TL: USA (Co)
Microtia elva elva H. Bates, 1864 Elf S AZ & S TX (as stray), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Dymasia dymas chara (W. H. Edwards, [1884]) Tiny Checkerspot  S AZ, S NM, W TX, NW Mexico, Baja California Sur
Dymasia dymas imperialis (Bauer, 1959) Tiny Checkerspot  S CA, Baja California Norte
Texola perse (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Arizona Checkerspot S AZ, SW NM, N Sonora, NW Chihuahua
Texola elada hepburni (Godman, 1901) Elada Checkerspot NW Mexico
Texola elada ulrica (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Elada Checkerspot  C & W TX, NE Mexico
Eresia phillyra phillyra Hewitson, 1852 Longwing Crescent E & S Mexico, Guatemala
Castilia eranites (Hewitson, 1857) Mimic Crescent S Mexico to Colombia & Venezuela
Castilia myia (Hewitson, [1864]) Mayan Crescent  E & W Mexico to Panama
Castilia griseobasalis (Röber, 1913) Gray-based Crescent E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Tegosa anieta luka Higgins, 1981 Black-bordered Crescent    S TX (rare stray), E Mexico to Honduras
Tegosa guatemalena (H. Bates, 1864) Guatemalan Crescent E & W Mexico, Guatemala, Belize
Anthanassa texana texana (W. H. Edwards, 1863) Texan Crescent  AZ to TX (strays far N), Baja, E & W Mexico to Guatemala
Anthanassa texana seminole (Skinner, 1911) Texan Crescent  SC to FL, E to LA & far E TX
Anthanassa ardys (Hewitson, 1864) (Typical segregate) Ardys Crescent E & W Mexico through Oaxaca
Anthanassa ptolyca (H. Bates, 1864) (E Mexican segregate) Darkened Crescent S TX (rare stray), E Mexico
Anthanassa sitalces cortes (A. Hall, 1917) Montane Crescent W Mexico to Oaxaca
Anthanassa argentea (Godman & Salvin, 1882) Chestnut Crescent S TX (as stray), E & S Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua
Anthanassa atronia (H. Bates, 1866) Brown Crescent E & S Mexico to Panama
Anthanassa tulcis (H. Bates, 1864) Pale-banded Crescent SE AZ (as stray), S TX, E & W Mexico to Panama
Phyciodes graphica (R. Felder, 1869) Vesta Crescent  [= vesta]
Phyciodes picta canace W. H. Edwards, 1871 Painted Crescent TL: USA (Az)
Phyciodes orseis orseis W. H. Edwards, 1871 California Crescent TL: USA (Ca)
Phyciodes orseis herlani Bauer, 1975 California Crescent TL: USA (Nv)
Phyciodes mylitta mylitta (W. H. Edwards, 1861) Mylitta Crescent BC to MT, S to S CA
Phyciodes mylitta arizonensis Bauer, 1975 Mylitta Crescent AZ, NM, W TX, N to E CO, far NW Mexico
Phyciodes mylitta mexicana A. Hall, 1928 Mylitta Crescent TL: Mexico (Ver)
Phyciodes phaon phaon (W. H. Edwards, 1864) Phaon Crescent E & C Mexico, TX to FL & VA (strays far N), Cuba, Grand Cayman
Phyciodes phaon jalapeno Scott, 1998 Phaon Crescent NW Mexico & Baja (N), S CA, S AZ
Phyciodes tharos tharos (Drury, 1773) Pearl Crescent  TL: [USA (NY)]
Phyciodes cocyta selenis (W. Kirby, 1837) Northern Crescent
Phyciodes cocyta arenacolor, Austin, 1998 Northern Crescent TL: USA (Nv)
Phyciodes pulchella owimba Scott, 1998 Field Crescent
Phyciodes pulchella (Boisduval, 1852) (Siskiyou segregate) Field Crescent Siskiyou Mts., SW OR, NW CA
Phyciodes pulchella pulchella (Boisduval, 1852) Field Crescent TL: USA (Ca)
Phyciodes pulchella deltarufa Scott, 1998 Field Crescent TL: USA (Ca)
Phyciodes pulchella (Boisduval, 1852) (S CA Sierra Nevada, low elevations) Field Crescent
Phyciodes pulchella montana (Behr, 1863) Field Crescent TL: USA (Ca)
Phyciodes pulchella (Boisduval, 1852) (OR Cascades, high elevations) Field Crescent [nr. montana]
Phyciodes pulchella camillus W. H. Edwards, 1871 Field Crescent TL: USA (Co)
    Subfamily Charaxinae Guenée, 1865 Leafwings and relatives
    Tribe Anaeini Reuter, 1896
Consul electra electra (Westwood, 1850) Pearly Leafwing E Mexico to Panama
Anaea aidea (Guérin-Méneville, [1844]) Tropical Leafwing S TX (strays far N), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Fountainea glycerium glycerium  (E. Doubleday, [1849]) Angled Leafwing E & W Mexico to Panama
Memphis pithyusa pithyusa (R. Felder, 1869) Pale-spotted Leafwing S TX, E & W Mexico to Bolivia
Memphis forreri (Godman & Salvin, 1884) Forrer's Leafwing  S TX (rare vagrant), E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
    Tribe Preponini Rydon, 1971
Archaeoprepona demophon centralis (Fruhstorfer, 1905) One-spotted Prepona S TX (rare stray), E Mexico through Panama
Archaeoprepona demophoon gulina (Fruhstorfer, 1904) Two-spotted Prepona E Mexico to Amazon basin
    Subfamily Satyrinae Boisduval, [1833] (1820) Satyrs
    Tribe Morphini Newman, 1834 Morphos
Morpho helenor montezuma Guenée, 1859 Common Morpho  E Mexico to Honduras
Morpho polyphemus polyphemus Westwood, 1850 White Morpho SE AZ (rare stray), W Mexico to El Salvador
    Tribe Brassolini Boisduval, 1836 Owl Butterflies
Eryphanis aesacus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) Double-spotted Owl-Butterfly E & S Mexico to Honduras & Nicaragua
Opsiphanes cassina fabricii (Boisduval, 1870) Split-banded Owl-Butterfly E & W Mexico to Honduras & El Salvador
    Tribe Melanitini Reuter, 1896
Manataria hercyna maculata (Hopffer, 1874) White-spotted Satyr E & W Mexico to Colombia
    Tribe Satyrini Boisduval, [1833] (1820)
Lethe portlandia portlandia (Fabricius, 1781) Southern Pearly-eye TL: USA (Ga)
Lethe portlandia missarkae (J. Heitzman & dos Passos, 1974) Southern Pearly-eye TL: USA (Ar)
Lethe anthedon anthedon A. Clark, 1936 Northern Pearly-eye TL: USA (NY)
Coenonympha california california Westwood, [1851] Common Ringlet TL: USA (Ca)
Coenonympha california eryngii Hy. Edwards, 1877 Common Ringlet TL: USA (Ca)
Coenonympha california eunomia Dornfeld, 1967 Common Ringlet TL: USA (Or)
Coenonympha california ampelos W. H. Edwards, 1871 Common Ringlet TL: USA (Ca/Or)
Coenonympha california mono Burdick, 1942 Common Ringlet TL: USA (Ca)
Coenonympha california ochracea W. H. Edwards, 1861 Common Ringlet TL: USA ([Co])
Coenonympha california subfusca W. Barnes & Benjamin, 1926 Common Ringlet TL: USA (Az)
Cyllopsis hedemanni tamaulipensis L. Miller, 1974 Stub-tailed Gemmed-Satyr NE Mexico
Cyllopsis suivalenoides L. Miller, 1974 Big-eyed Gemmed-Satyr W Mexico to Nicaragua
Cyllopsis pyracmon henshawi (W. H. Edwards, 1867) (Typical form) Nabokov’s Satyr  SE AZ, SW NM, NW Mexico
Cyllopsis pyracmon henshawi (W. H. Edwards, 1867) (form nabokovi) Nabokov’s Satyr  SE AZ, SW NM, NW Mexico
Cyllopsis nayarit (R. Chermock, 1947) Nayarit Gemmed-Satyr E & W Mexico
Cyllopsis pertepida intermedia L. Miller, 1974 Canyonland Gemmed-Satyr NW Mexico (W-central Chihuahua)
Cyllopsis pertepida maniola (Nabokov, 1942) Canyonland Gemmed-Satyr SE AZ, SW NM, far NW Mexico (N SON, CHIH)
Cyllopsis dospassosi L. Miller, 1974 dos Passos' Gemmed-Satyr  NE Mexico
Cyllopsis gemma freemani (D. Stallings & Turner, 1947) Freeman's Gemmed-Satyr S TX to Guatemala & Belize
Paramacera xicaque xicaque (Reakirt, [1867]) Mexican Pine-Satyr E & central Mexico
Neonympha areolatus (J. E. Smith, 1797) Georgia Satyr TL: USA (Ga)
Megisto cymela cymela (Cramer, 1777) Little Wood-Satyr
Megisto rubricata smithorum (Wind, 1946) Red Satyr N-central Mexico
Megisto rubricata cheneyorum (R. Chermock, 1949) Red Satyr NW Mexico
Megisto rubricata pseudocleophes L. Miller, 1976 Red Satyr W Mexico
Euptychia rubrofasciata L. Miller & J. Miller, 1988 Red-webbed Satyr NW Mexico
Euptychia westwoodi Butler, 1867 Westwood’s Satyr S Mexico to Colombia & Venezuela
Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius, 1793) Carolina Satyr C TX & E OK, E to FL, N to S OH & VA
Hermeuptychia hermybius Grishin, 2014 South Texas Satyr S TX & NE Mexico
Hermeuptychia intricata Grishin, 2014 Intricate Satyr SE US coastal plains to (possibly) Costa Rica
Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775) Hermes Satyr S TX to Argentina
Cissia terrestris (Butler, 1867) Cryptic Satyr E Mexico to Brazil
Cissia pompilia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) Plain Satyr [= usitata], E & S Mexico to Colombia
Cepheuptychia glaucina (H. Bates, 1864) Dirty-blue Satyr  SE Mexico, Guatemala
Pareuptychia metaleuca (Boisduval, 1870) White-banded Satyr E & S Mexico to Panama
Pareuptychia ocirrhoe (Fabricius, 1776) (Northern segregate) White Satyr [= hesione], E & S Mexico to Ecuador
Pindis squamistriga R. Felder, 1869 Variable Satyr E & W Mexico to Guatemala
Taygetis thamyra (Cramer, 1779) Thamyra Satyr E Mexico to S Brazil
Taygetis virgilia (Cramer, 1776) Stub-tailed Satyr E & W Mexico to Brazil
Erebia magdalena magdalena Strecker, 1880 Magdalena Alpine S Rocky Mountains; S-central MT, NW WY, N UT, CO, N-central NM
Erebia epipsodea brucei Elwes, 1889 Common Alpine moist meadows in S Rocky Mountains; SE WY, E UT, CO & N NM
Erebia epipsodea epipsodea Butler, 1868 Common Alpine S BC, SW AB, NW USA
Erebia callias callias W. H. Edwards, 1871 Colorado Alpine alpine meadows of SE MT, W WY, NE UT & C CO
Neominois ridingsii ridingsii (W. H. Edwards, 1865) Ridings' Satyr C MT to N MN, W NE
Neominois ridingsii neomexicanus Austin, 1986 Ridings' Satyr S-central AZ & NM
Neominois ridingsii curicata M. Fisher, Scott & Garhart, 2008 Ridings' Satyr upper Gunnison River Valley, Gunnison Co., CO
Neominois ridingsii stretchii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Ridings' Satyr W WY to W CO, W to SE OR, NV, N AZ
Neominois ridingsii pallidus Austin, 1986 Ridings' Satyr Sierra Nevada (CA-NV), N to C Oregon
Oeneis polixenes brucei (W. H. Edwards, 1891) Polixenes Arctic S Rocky Mountains (NW WY, C & N CO, N NM)
Oeneis melissa lucilla W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 Melissa Arctic S Rocky Mountains (CO, N NM)
Oeneis bore edwardsi dos Passos, 1949 White-veined Arctic S Rocky Mountains (S-central MT, NW WY, NE UT, SW CO)
Oeneis chryxus altacordillera Scott, 2006 Chryxus Arctic high Canadian Zone in Rocky Mts. of Colorado
Oeneis chryxus chryxus (E. Doubleday, [1849]) Chryxus Arctic Rocky Mountains from ALTA to NM
Oeneis chryxus stanislaus Hovanitz, 1937 Chryxus Arctic Sierra Nevada, CA-NV
Oeneis chryxus ivallda (Mead, 1878) Chryxus Arctic Sierra Nevada, CA
Oeneis alberta oslari Skinner, 1911 Alberta Arctic Colorado
Oeneis alberta daura (Strecker, 1874) Alberta Arctic AZ: Graham & Coconino Cos.
Oeneis nevadensis nevadensis (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) Great Arctic BC to N CA (inland)
Oeneis nevadensis iduna (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Great Arctic CA: Mendocino-Sonoma Cos.
Oeneis uhleri reinthali F. Brown, 1953 Uhler's Arctic CO: W slopes
Oeneis uhleri uhleri (Reakirt, 1866) Uhler's Arctic CO: E slopes, E WY
Cercyonis pegala pegala (Fabricius, 1775) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: [USA (SC)]
Cercyonis pegala texana (W. H. Edwards, 1880) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Tx)
Cercyonis pegala olympus (W. H. Edwards, 1880) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Illinois)
Cercyonis pegala australosierra J. Emmel, T. Emmel & K. Davenport, 2008 Common Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis pegala ariane (Boisduval, 1852) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis pegala (Fabricius, 1775) (Little Deschutes River segregate) Common Wood-Nymph  Little Deschutes River & upper Deschutes R., Deschutes Co., OR
Cercyonis pegala (Fabricius, 1775) (Silver Lake segregate) Common Wood-Nymph  vic. Silver Lake, Lake Co., OR
Cercyonis pegala walkerensis Austin, 1992 Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis pegala wheeleri (W. H. Edwards, 1873) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis pegala stephensi (W. G. Wright, 1905) Common Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis meadii meadii (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Mead’s Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Co)
Cercyonis meadii alamosa T. Emmel & J. Emmel, 1969 Mead’s Wood-Nymph  TL: USA (Co)
Cercyonis sthenele paulus (W. H. Edwards, 1879) Great Basin Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Nv)
Cercyonis sthenele sineocellata Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Great Basin Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Or)
Cercyonis sthenele silvestris (W. H. Edwards, 1861) Great Basin Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis sthenele behrii F. Grinnell, 1905 Great Basin Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Ca)
Cercyonis oetus charon (W. H. Edwards, 1872) Small Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Co)
Cercyonis oetus oetus (Boisduval, 1869) Small Wood-Nymph TL: USA (Ca)
Gyrocheilus patrobas tritonia (W. H. Edwards, 1874) Red-bordered Satyr C & SE AZ, SW NM, far W TX, NW Mexico
    Family HESPERIIDAE Latreille, 1809 SKIPPERS
    Subfamily Eudaminae Mabille, 1877 Spreadwing Skippers
Phocides polybius lilea (Reakirt, [1867]) Guava Skipper S Texas to Costa Rica
Phocides pigmalion okeechobee (Worthington, 1881) Mangrove Skipper S Florida; mangroves
Phocides urania urania (Westwood, 1852) Urania Skipper  Mexico, Guatemala; usually in montane forest
Proteides mercurius mercurius (Fabricius, 1787) Mercurial Skipper continental, S Texas to Argentina, SE Arizona as rare stray
Epargyreus clarus californicus MacNeill, 1975 'California' Silver-spotted Skipper BC to Baja California Norte; Sierra Nevada-Cascades, westward
Epargyreus clarus clarus (Cramer, 1775) Silver-spotted Skipper E USA and Canada to far NE Mexico (hypothetical)
Epargyreus clarus profugus Austin, 1998 'Nevada' Silver-spotted Skipper S NV, N AZ, possibly to central AZ-NM
Epargyreus clarus huachuca Dixon, 1955 'Arizona' Silver-spotted Skipper S AZ, S NM, far NW Mexico
Epargyreus windi H. Freeman, 1969 Wind’s Silverdrop W Mexico
Epargyreus exadeus cruza Evans, 1952 Broken Silverdrop (S TX? [CA?]as stray), E & W Mexico to Panama
Polygonus leo arizonensis (Skinner, 1911) Hammock Skipper SW USA (mostly as strays) & S TX to Central America
Chioides albofasciatus (Hewitson, 1867) White-striped Longtail S TX, S NM, SE AZ, to Costa Rica; Baja California Sur
Chioides zilpa (Butler, 1872) Zilpa Longtail S AZ-NM (stray) & S TX, S to Venezuela and Ecuador
Aguna asander asander (Hewitson, 1867) Gold-spotted Aguna SE AZ & S TX (as stray) to Argentina
Aguna claxon Evans, 1952 Emerald Aguna Cuba, S Texas to Colombia and Surinam
Aguna metophis (Latreille, [1824]) Long-tailed Aguna  S Texas to S Brazil
Typhedanus undulatus (Hewitson, 1867) Mottled Longtail  S Texas (as stray) to Argentina
Typhedanus ampyx (Godman & Salvin, 1893) Gold-tufted Skipper W & NE Mexico to Costa Rica
Polythrix octomaculata (Sepp, [1844]) Eight-spotted Longtail (SE AZ as stray), S Texas to Argentina
Polythrix mexicanus H. Freeman, 1969 Mexican Longtail SE AZ, S TX (as stray), N Mexico to Costa Rica
Polythrix asine (Hewitson, 1867) Asine Longtail N Mexico to Panama
Polythrix caunus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Four-spotted Longtail E Mexico to S Brazil and Paraguay
Cephise aelius (Plötz, 1880) Longtailed Scarlet-eye E & S Mexico to Venezuela and Colombia
Zestusa dorus (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Short-tailed Skipper (Northern Zestusa) far S CO-UT, AZ, NM, W TX, N Mexico
Codatractus carlos carlos Evans, 1952 Carlos' Mottled-Skipper C Mexico to Colombia (at least)
Codatractus alcaeus alcaeus (Hewitson, 1867) White-crescent Mottled-Skipper S Texas to Costa Rica
Codatractus arizonensis (Skinner, 1905) Arizona Mottled-Skipper S AZ, S NM, W TX to Oaxaca
Codatractus melon (Godman & Salvin, 1893) Melon Mottled-Skipper  N Mexico to Costa Rica
Codatractus valeriana (Plötz, 1881) Valeriana Skipper [= mysie], SE Arizona to Oaxaca
Urbanus proteus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758) Long-tailed Skipper  continental; E USA, S CA, S AZ, S NM, TX to Argentina
Urbanus pronus Evans, 1952 Pronus Longtail (S TX one-time stray), E & S Mexico to Argentina
Urbanus evona Evans, 1952 Turquoise Longtail  E & W Mexico to Colombia
Urbanus dorantes dorantes (Stoll, 1790) Dorantes Longtail continental; Florida, S AZ, S NM, TX to Argentina
Urbanus procne (Plötz, 1881) Brown Longtail S Texas, SE AZ/SW NM (as stray), to Argentina
Urbanus simplicius (Stoll, 1790) Plain Longtail S Texas (as stray) to Argentina
Urbanus teleus (Hübner, 1821) Teleus Longtail S Texas to Argentina
Urbanus doryssus (Swainson, 1831) (E Mexican segregate) White-tailed Longtail ["d. doryssus"], S Texas to El Salvador
Astraptes talus (Cramer, 1777) Green Flasher E & S Mexico to Argentina; Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, etc.
Astraptes fulgerator azul (Reakirt, [1867]) complex Two-barred Flasher, Flashing Astraptes This appears to be a complex of continental species-level taxa.
Astraptes egregius egregius (Butler, 1870) Small-spotted Flasher S TX (rare stray) to Colombia and Venezuela
Astraptes alardus latia Evans, 1952 Frosted Flasher S TX (rare stray), E Mexico to Colombia
Astraptes alector hopfferi (Plötz, 1881) Gilbert’s Flasher [= gilberti], S TX (stray), E & W Mexico to NW Brazil and Bolivia
Astraptes anaphus annetta Evans, 1952 Yellow-tipped Flasher  S Texas to Guiana and Peru
Autochton cellus (Boisduval & Le Conte, [1837]) Golden Banded-Skipper E-central & SE USA, SE AZ, SW NM, Mexico, S to El Salvador
Autochton pseudocellus (Coolidge & Clemence, [1910]) Sonoran Banded-Skipper Mexico; apparently extirpated from S Arizona
Autochton cincta (Plötz, 1882) Chisos Banded-Skipper  W Texas to Guatemala
Autochton neis (Geyer, 1832) Broad Banded-Skipper E & W Mexico to S Brazil and Paraguay
Autochton zarex (Hübner, 1818) Sharp Banded-Skipper E & S Mexico to Argentina
Achalarus casica (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Desert Cloudywing  SW USA (SE AZ to C TX), Mexico
Achalarus albociliatus albociliatus (Mabille, 1877) White-edged Cloudywing SE AZ & S TX (?) as stray, E & W Mexico to Costa Rica 
Achalarus toxeus (Plötz, 1882) Coyote Cloudywing W Mexico and S Texas to Panama
Thessia jalapus (Plötz, 1881) Jalapus Cloudywing S Texas (rare stray) to Colombia
Thorybes drusius (W. H. Edwards, [1884]) Drusius Cloudywing, White-fringed Cloudywing SE AZ, SW NM, W TX, Mexico
Thorybes bathyllus (J. E. Smith, 1797) Southern Cloudywing E USA
Thorybes pylades pylades (Scudder, 1870) Northern Cloudywing Canada, E USA
Thorybes pylades indistinctus Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Northern Cloudywing Baja California (N) to Washington, Cascades (& Ochocos) west
Thorybes pylades (Scudder, 1870) (southwestern segregate) Northern Cloudywing S AZ, S NM, W Mexico to Oaxaca
Thorybes diversus E. Bell, 1927 Western Cloudywing C & N Sierra Nevada and Siskiyou Mts., CA, far SW OR
Thorybes mexicana aemilea (Skinner, 1893) Mexican Cloudywing Cascade Mts. N CA to C OR
Thorybes mexicana nevada Scudder, 1872 Mexican Cloudywing S Rocky Mountains (S WY-ID to NM, AZ), CA-NV Sierra Nevada
Thorybes mexicana blanca Scott, 1981 Mexican Cloudywing White Mts., CA-NV
Thorybes mexicana dobra Evans, 1952 Mexican Cloudywing NW Mexico, SE Arizona, SW New Mexico
Cabares potrillo potrillo (Lucas, 1857) Potrillo Skipper SE AZ (stray), S TX to Costa Rica; Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola
Spathilepia clonius (Cramer, 1775)  Falcate Skipper S TX (sporadic) to N Argentina
Cogia calchas (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Mimosa Skipper S Texas to N Argentina
Cogia hippalus hippalus (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Acacia Skipper AZ, SW NM, W & S TX, W Mexico
Cogia hippalus hiska Evans, 1953 'East-Mexican' Acacia Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica
Cogia caicus moschus (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Gold-costa Skipper SE AZ. S NM to OAX
Cogia aventinus (Godman & Salvin, 1894) Trimmed Skipper W Mexico, Yucatan
    Subfamily Pyrginae Burmeister, 1878 Spreadwing Skippers
    Tribe Pyrrhopygini Mabille, 1877 Firetips, Golf-Club Skippers
Myscelus amystis hages Godman & Salvin, 1893 Widespread Myscelus E & W Mexico to Panama
Apyrrothrix araxes arizonae (Godman & Salvin, 1893) 'Arizona' Araxes Skipper SE AZ, SW NM, W TX (local), SON, CHIN, NL, TAMPS, SLP
Jonaspyge jonas (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) Scallop-edged Firetip SE Mexico (HGO, OAX, PUE, VER, CHIS), Guat., Nicaragua
    Tribe Celaenorrhinini Swinhoe, 1912
Celaenorrhinus fritzgaertneri (Bailey, 1880) Fritzgaertner’s Flat SE AZ & S TX (as strays) to Costa Rica
Celaenorrhinus stola Evans, 1952 Stola Flat  E & W Mexico to Nicaragua
    Tribe Carcharodini Verity, 1940 Spreadwing Skippers
Arteurotia tractipennis tractipennis Butler & H. Druce, 1872 Starred Skipper S TX to Surinam and Bolivia
Polyctor cleta Evans, 1953 Cleta Tufted-Skipper E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Polyctor enops (Godman & Salvin, 1894) Enops Tufted-Skipper E & S Mexico to Costa Rica
Nisoniades godma Evans, 1953 Godma Tufted-Skipper E & S Mexico to Costa Rica
Nisoniades rubescens (Möschler, 1877) Purplish Tufted-Skipper W Mexico & S Texas (as stray) to lower Amazon and Bolivia
Nisoniades ephora (Herrich-Schäffer, 1870) Ephora Tufted-Skipper E & W Mexico to Guianas, Trinidad, Ecuador and Peru
Pellicia arina Evans, 1953 Glazed Tufted-Skipper  S TX to Panama
Pellicia dimidiata dimidiata Herrich-Schäffer, 1870 Morning Glory Tufted-Skipper W Mexico and S TX (as stray) to Guianas, Trinidad, up. Amazon
Noctuana lactifera bipuncta (Plötz, 1884) Cryptic Skipper E & W Mexico to Nicaragua
Noctuana stator (Godman & Salvin, 1899) Red-studded Skipper W Mexico & S TX (one-time stray) to Guianas, Trinidad, Peru
Bolla clytius (Godman & Salvin, 1897) Mottled Sootywing SE AZ & S TX (rare strays) to Honduras
Staphylus ceos (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Golden-headed Sootywing far S CA, S NV (rare), S AZ, S NM, S TX, to QRO
Staphylus vulgata (Möschler, 1879) Golden-snouted Sootywing E & W Mexico to Argentina
Staphylus hayhurstii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Hayhurst's Sootywing S Ontario, E USA to far SE SD, NB, KS, to S-C TX
Staphylus mazans (Reakirt, [1867]) Mazans Sootywing  C TX to CHIS
Staphylus azteca (Scudder, 1872) Aztec Sootywing E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Staphylus iguala (R. Williams & E. Bell, 1940) Iguala Sootywing  W & S Mexico
Pholisora catullus (Fabricius, 1793) Common Sootywing widespread in USA and S Canada, S to Colima and Hidalgo...S to Oaxaca
Pholisora mejicanus (Reakirt, [1867]) Mexican Sootywing S-C Colorado to Oaxaca
Hesperopsis alpheus oricus (W. H. Edwards, 1879) Saltbush Sootywing E & S CA, NV, SW UT, NW AZ
Hesperopsis alpheus alpheus (W. H. Edwards, 1876) Saltbush Sootywing [= texana], S AZ, NM, CO, far S MT, TX (verification needed for NE Mexico)
Hesperopsis gracielae (MacNeill, 1970) MacNeill's Sootywing lower Colorado River drainage, Wa Co., UT to SON + Baja
Hesperopsis libya libya (Scudder, 1878) Mojave Sootywing Mojave Desert, CA- S NV-AZ
Hesperopsis libya (Scudder, 1878) (Great Basin segregate) Mojave Sootywing SE OR, SW ID, most of NV, E CA
    Tribe Erynnini Brues & F. Carpenter, 1932
Gorgythion begga pyralina (Möschler, 1877) Variegated Skipper S TX to Guianas and Bolivia
Gorgythion vox Evans, 1953 Crab’s-claw Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica
Sostrata nordica Evans, 1953 Blue-studded Skipper S TX to Costa Rica
Potamanaxas unifasciata (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) Felder's Skipper SE Mexico to Ecuador and Peru
Mylon lassia (Hewitson, 1868) Bold Mylon E & W Mexico to Guianas and Trinidad
Mylon maimon (Fabricius, 1775) Common Mylon [= menippus], E & W Mexico to Argentina
Mylon pelopidas (Fabricius, 1793) Pale Mylon  SE AZ (one-time stray), E & W Mexico to Paraguay
Grais stigmaticus stigmaticus (Mabille, 1883) Hermit Skipper C & S TX (as stray), E & W Mexico to Argentina
Timochares ruptifasciata (Plötz, 1884) Brown-banded Skipper SE AZ / SW NM, S TX to Chiapas and Belize
Timochares trifasciata trifasciata (Hewitson, 1868) Many-banded Skipper E & W Mexico to S Brazil and Paraguay
Anastrus sempiternus sempiternus (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) Common Anastrus S TX (one-time stray), E & W Mexico to Venezuela and Ecuador
Ebrietas anacreon anacreon (Staudinger, 1876) Common Bent-Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
Helias cama Evans, 1953 Squared Bent-Skipper  E Mexico to Colombia
Chiomara georgina georgina (Reakirt, 1868) White-patched Skipper  SE AZ & S TX, E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Chiomara mithrax (Möschler, 1879) Mithrax Duskywing S AZ (rare stray) W & E Mexico to Argentina, Cuba
Gesta invisus (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) False Duskywing C & S TX to Costa Rica
Erynnis icelus (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) Dreamy Duskywing widespread in USA and Canada
Erynnis brizo burgessi (Skinner, 1914) 'Rocky Mountain' Sleepy Duskywing S Rocky Mountain states, W TX, far SE CA, USA, far NW Mexico
Erynnis brizo lacustra (W. G. Wright, 1905) 'Lacustra' Sleepy Duskywing Baja California Norte, S & C CA
Erynnis (juvenalis) clitus (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Clitus Duskywing SE AZ, SW NM, W TX, E & W Mexico to Chiapas
Erynnis telemachus Burns, 1960 Rocky Mountain Duskywing E NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO, far S-C WY, W TX
Erynnis propertius (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) Propertius Duskywing Cascades-Sierra Nevada, westward, S BC to northern Baja
Erynnis meridianus meridianus E. Bell, 1927 Meridian Duskywing S NV, SW UT, AZ, NM, C & W TX, far N Mexico
Erynnis scudderi (Skinner, 1914) Scudder’s Duskywing SE AZ, SW NM, W TX to Guatemala
Erynnis horatius (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) Horace's Duskywing (far SE UT, far NE AZ), CO, NM, E USA, far NE Mexico (TAMPS)
Erynnis tristis tristis (Boisduval, 1852) Mournful Duskywing CA and Baja California Norte
Erynnis tristis tatius (W. H. Edwards, 1883) 'Mexican' Mournful Duskywing AZ, S NM, W & S TX to Colombia
Erynnis pacuvius pacuvius (Lintner, 1878) Pacuvius Duskywing S UT, S CO, AZ, NM to Oaxaca
Erynnis pacuvius lilius (Dyar, 1904) 'Northwestern' Pacuvius Duskywing NW CO, N UT, W WY, MT, ID, BC, WA, OR, W NV, N & E CA
Erynnis pacuvius callidus (F. Grinnell, 1904) 'Californian' Pacuvius Duskywing S CA coast ranges to Baja California (norte)
Erynnis zarucco (Lucas, 1857) Zarucco Duskywing SE USA (OK-NC-FL), Cuba, Hispaniola
Erynnis funeralis (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) Funereal Duskywing S CA, S AZ, S NM, TX S to Argentina (as resident); strays widely
Erynnis baptisiae (W. Forbes, 1936) Wild Indigo Duskywing E USA (far S Ontario) to N FL
Erynnis afranius (Lintner, 1878) (Typical segregate) Afranius Duskywing SE ALTA, S SASK to N Mexico
Erynnis persius borealis (M. Cary, 1906) Persius Duskywing most of W Canada, possibly S along Cascades (& W) to N CA
Erynnis persius fredericki H. Freeman, 1943 Persius Duskywing Rocky Mountain region, USA, possibly S SASK, S ALTA
    Tribe Achlyodidini Burmeister, 1878
Achlyodes busirus heros Ehrmann, 1909 Giant Sicklewing  E & W Mexico to Bolivia
Achlyodes pallida (R. Felder, 1869) Pale Sicklewing [= selva], W Mexico & S Texas (as stray) to Bolivia
Eantis tamenund (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Northern Sicklewing (Sickle-winged Skipper) C & S Texas (further N as strays) to N Belize and Guatemala
Doberes anticus (Plötz, 1884) (Typical segregate) Dark Doberes SE Mexico (VER, OAX, CHIS)
Quadrus cerialis (Stoll, 1782) Common Blue-Skipper  E & W Mexico to Argentina
Quadrus lugubris lugubris (R. Felder, 1869) Tanned Blue-Skipper E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Atarnes sallei (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) Orange-spotted Skipper E & W Mexico to Colombia
    Tribe Pyrgini Burmeister, 1878
Paches loxus gloriosus Röber, 1925 Glorious Blue-Skipper [= zonula], SE Mexico to Costa Rica
Paches polla (Mabille, 1888) Polla Blue-Skipper E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Carrhenes canescens canescens (R. Felder, 1869) Hoary Skipper W Mexico & S TX to Panama
Zobera oaxaquena Steinhauser, 1991 Oaxacan Zobera S Mexico (OAX)
Xenophanes tryxus (Cramer, 1780) Glassy-winged Skipper  S Texas (as stray) to Argentina
Onenses hyalophora (R. Felder, 1869) Crystal-winged Skipper E Mexico to Guatemala
Antigonus nearchus (Latreille, 1817) Large Spurwing E & W Mexico to S Brazil and Paraguay
Antigonus erosus (Hübner, [1812]) Common Spurwing  W Mexico & S TX (rare stray) to S Brazil and Paraguay
Antigonus emorsa (R. Felder, 1869) White Spurwing W Mexico (SE AZ as rare stray, SON to OAX)
Antigonus funebris (R. Felder, 1869) West-Mexican Spurwing W & S Mexico
Systasea pulverulenta (R. Felder, 1869) Texas Powdered-Skipper S AZ, S NM, C & S TX to Guatemala
Systasea zampa (W. H. Edwards, 1876) Arizona Powdered-Skipper Baja, far S CA, S NV, S AZ, S NM, W TX, SON, CHIH, COAH
Celotes nessus (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Common Streaky-Skipper  far SE CA, S AZ, NM, S OK, TX, N Mexico
Pyrgus centaureae loki Evans, 1953 Grizzled Skipper Rocky Mountains
Pyrgus ruralis ruralis (Boisduval, 1852) Two-banded Checkered-Skipper NW CO, UT, W WY, W MT, SW ALTA, S BC to C CA
Pyrgus ruralis lagunae Scott, 1981 Two-banded Checkered-Skipper Laguna Mts., San Diego Co., CA
Pyrgus xanthus W. H. Edwards, 1878 Mountain Checkered-Skipper S UT, N & E AZ, NM, S-C & SW CO
Pyrgus scriptura scriptura (Boisduval, 1852) Small Checkered-Skipper at least San Francisco Bay area, CA
Pyrgus scriptura apertorum Austin, 1998 Small Checkered-Skipper most of range, ALTA to Zacatecas
Pyrgus communis communis (Grote, 1872) Common Checkered-Skipper widespread in USA & S Canada, S to Oaxaca
Pyrgus communis (Grote, 1872) (W Oregon segregate) Common Checkered-Skipper W Oregon, N CA Siskiyous
Pyrgus albescens Plötz, 1884 White Checkered-Skipper S USA (CA to SC), S to Oaxaca
Pyrgus adepta Plötz, 1884 Central American Checkered-Skipper E & W Mexico to Colombia
Pyrgus oileus (Linnaeus, 1767) Tropical Checkered-Skipper SE AZ, SW NM, S TX to GA, S to Costa R., Gr. & Lesser Antilles
Pyrgus philetas W. H. Edwards, 1881 Desert Checkered-Skipper S AZ to S TX, S to Chiapas
Heliopyrgus domicella domicella (Erichson, [1849]) Erichson’s White-Skipper S CA & S NV to S TX, S to Venezuela
Heliopyrgus sublinea (Schaus, 1902) East-Mexican White-Skipper S TX & E Mexico to Yucatan Peninsula
Heliopetes ericetorum (Boisduval, 1852) Northern White-Skipper Baja California (norte), CA, Columbia Basin, Great Basin, AZ
Heliopetes laviana laviana (Hewitson, 1868) Laviana White-Skipper S AZ and Baja California, C & S TX, most of Mexico to Venez.
Heliopetes macaira macaira (Reakirt, [1867]) Turk’s-cap White-Skipper S TX, E & W Mexico to Panama
Heliopetes arsalte (Linnaeus, 1758) Veined White-Skipper S TX, E & W Mexico to Argentina
Heliopetes alana (Reakirt, 1868) Alana White-Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
    Subfamily Heteropterinae Aurivillius, 1925 Skipperlings
Carterocephalus palaemon skada (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Arctic Skipperling Alaska to N CA
Dalla nubes Steinhauser, 1991 Chiapan Skipperling S Mexico: Oaxaca and Chiapas
Piruna aea mexicana H. Freeman, 1979 Many-spotted Skipperling [= cingo], NW Mexico to SE AZ
Piruna brunnea (Scudder, 1872) complex Chocolate Skipperling E and S Mexico to Costa Rica
Piruna pirus (W. H. Edwards, 1878) Russet Skipperling W USA: SE ID, W & S WY, CO, UT, AZ, NM, (W TX?)
Piruna millerorum Steinhauser, 1991 Millers' Skipperling NW Mexico: DGO, SIN, SON, CHIH
Piruna penaea Dyar, 1918 (Typical segregate) Hour-glass Skipperling W Mexico to Oaxaca
Piruna penaea Dyar, 1918 (E Mexican segregate) Hour-glass Skipperling S TX (one-time stray), E Mexico to Chiapas
Piruna polingii (W. Barnes, 1900) complex Four-spotted Skipperling C AZ, S NM to Guerrero and Puebla
Piruna sina H. Freeman, 1970 Fine-spotted Skipperling NW Mexico: DGO, SIN, SON
    Subfamily Hesperiinae Latreille, 1809 Grass-Skippers
    Tribe Incertae Sedis
Perichares adela (Hewitson, 1867) Green-backed Ruby-eye  S TX (uncommon), E & W Mexico to S Brazil
    Tribe Megathymini J. H. Comstock & A. Comstock, 1895 Giant-Skippers
Megathymus yuccae coloradensis C. Riley, 1878 Yucca Giant-Skipper SE WY, W NE, W KS, E CO, E NM, W OK, TX panhandle
Megathymus yuccae navajo Skinner, 1911 Yucca Giant-Skipper [= arizonae], W CO, S UT, W NM, AZ, N Sonora
Megathymus yuccae martini D. Stallings & Turner, 1956 Yucca Giant-Skipper Mohave Desert, S CA, W NV, far NW AZ
Megathymus yuccae harbisoni J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Yucca Giant-Skipper Beaumont, Riverside Co. CA, S to Baja California Norte
Megathymus streckeri leussleri W. Holland, 1931 Strecker's Giant-Skipper TX panhandle & E NM, to E MT, W ND, (SE SASK?)
Megathymus streckeri streckeri (Skinner, 1895) Strecker's Giant-Skipper NE AZ, NW NM, SW CO, SE UT
Agathymus polingi (Skinner, 1905) Poling's Giant-Skipper S AZ, SW NM (Hidalgo Co.), NE Sonora
Agathymus evansi (H. Freeman, 1950) Huachuca Giant-Skipper Huachuca Mts., Cochise Co., AZ
Agathymus aryxna (Dyar, 1905) Arizona Giant-Skipper SE AZ, SW NM, NE SON
Agathymus stephensi (Skinner, 1912) California Giant-Skipper S CA (Riverside, E San Diego, W Imperial Cos.), Baja (N)
    Tribe Thymelicini Tutt, 1905
Ancyloxypha numitor (Fabricius, 1793) Least Skipper Great Plains, eastward; SE SASK to Quebec, to S TX, far NE MEX
Ancyloxypha arene (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Tropical Least Skipper SE AZ, SW NM, W & S TX, S to Costa Rica
Oarisma garita garita (Reakirt, 1866) Garita Skipperling SE BC to S MAN (plus Peace Riv.), S through Rockies to AZ & NM
Oarisma edwardsii (W. Barnes, 1897) Edwards’ Skipperling S-central CO, NM, C & E AZ, NW Mexico to S-central Mexico
Copaeodes aurantiaca (Hewitson, 1868) Orange Skipperling S CA & NV to E TX (strays N), S to Guatemala
Copaeodes minima (W. H. Edwards, 1870) Southern Skipperling SE AZ, C TX to FL & NC, E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Thymelicus lineola lineola (Ochsenheimer, 1808) European Skipper introduced; Newfoundland to VA & TN, W to MAN, S Rocky Mts.
    Tribe Calpodini A. Clark, 1948
Tromba xanthura (Godman, 1901) Yellow-washed Ruby-eye E & W Mexico to Colombia
Carystoides basoches (Latreille, [1824]) Basoches Ruby-eye S Mexico to S Brazil & Paraguay
Calpodes ethlius (Stoll, 1782) Brazilian Skipper SE USA (strays far N), E & W Mexico to Argentina, West Indies
Panoquina panoquinoides panoquinoides (Skinner, 1891) Obscure Skipper S FL to S TX, Mexican Gulf Coast to Costa Rica, most West Indies
Panoquina errans (Skinner, 1892) Wandering Skipper S CA, W Mexico
Panoquina ocola ocola (W. H. Edwards, 1863) Ocola Skipper Greater Antilles, Texas to Argentina
Panoquina lucas (Fabricius, 1793) Purple-washed Skipper [= sylvicola, = woodruffi], Gr. & Less. Antilles, S TX to Argentina
Panoquina evansi (H. Freeman, 1946) Evans’ Skipper S TX, E & W Mexico to W Panama
Zenis jebus hemizona (Dyar, 1918) Purple-stained Skipper [= janka], E & W Mexico to Ecuador, Peru, Guianas, Trinidad
Neoxeniades luda (Hewitson, 1877) Luda Skipper W & S Mexico to Colombia
    Tribe Anthoptini A. Warren, 2009
Synapte pecta Evans, 1955 Northern Faceted-Skipper S TX, E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Synapte salenus salenus (Mabille, 1893) Salenus Faceted-Skipper S TX (rare stray), E Mexico to Colombia
Synapte silna Evans, 1955 Southwest-Mexican Faceted-Skipper SW Mexico (NAY to OAX)
Anthoptus epictetus (Fabricius, 1793) Trailside Skipper SE Mexico to Argentina
Anthoptus insignis (Plötz, 1882) Immaculate Skipper E & W Mexico to S Brazil
Corticea corticea (Plötz, 1882) Redundant Skipper  S TX (as stray), E & W Mexico to S Brazil & Paraguay
    Tribe Moncini A. Warren, 2008
Zariaspes mys (Hübner, [1808]) Mys Skipper E Mexico to S Brazil & Paraguay
Zariaspes mythecus Godman, 1900 Godman's Skipper   W Mexico (NAY to OAX)
Vinius tryhana tryhana (Kaye, 1914) Gold-washed Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica, Guyana, Trinidad
Callimormus radiola radiola (Mabille, 1878) Radiant Skipper S Mexico to S Brazil
Callimormus juventus Scudder, 1872 Juventus Skipper S Mexico to Argentina
Callimormus saturnus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Saturnus Skipper E & W Mexico to S Brazil & Paraguay
Mnasicles geta Godman, 1901 Violet-frosted Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica
Remella remus (Fabricius, 1798) Black-spot Remella  E & W Mexico to S Brazil & Paraguay
Remella rita (Evans, 1955) Rita’s Remella  E & W Mexico to Panama
Remella duena (Evans, 1955) Guatemalan Remella S Mexico to Guatemala
Amblyscirtes exoteria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1865) (Typical segregate) Large Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes exoteria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1865) (Southern segregate) Large Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes cassus W. H. Edwards, 1883 Cassus Roadside-Skipper  TL: USA (Az)
Amblyscirtes aenus megamacula Scott, 1998 Bronze Roadside-Skipper NW Mexico
Amblyscirtes oslari (Skinner, 1899) Oslar’s Roadside-Skipper TL: USA (Co)
Amblyscirtes brocki H. Freeman, 1992 (Typical segregate) Brock’s Roadside-Skipper TL: Mexico (Son)
Amblyscirtes brocki H. Freeman, 1992 (Southern segregate) Brock’s Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes elissa arizonae H. Freeman, 1993 Elissa Roadside-Skipper NW Mexico
Amblyscirtes hegon (Scudder, 1863) Pepper and Salt Skipper TL: USA (NH)
Amblyscirtes aesculapius (Fabricius, 1793) Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper TL: N. America
Amblyscirtes nereus (W. H. Edwards, 1876) Slaty Roadside-Skipper TL: USA (Az)
Amblyscirtes nysa W. H. Edwards, 1877 Nysa Roadside-Skipper  TL: USA (Tx)
Amblyscirtes eos (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Dotted Roadside-Skipper TL: USA (Tx)
Amblyscirtes vialis (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Common Roadside-Skipper TL: USA (Il)
Amblyscirtes celia Skinner, 1895 Celia’s Roadside-Skipper  TL: USA (Tx)
Amblyscirtes tolteca prenda Evans, 1955 Toltec Roadside-Skipper  SE AZ, far NW Mexico
Amblyscirtes phylace (W. H. Edwards, 1878) Orange-headed Roadside-Skipper TL: USA (Co)
Amblyscirtes fimbriata fimbriata (Plötz, 1882) Orange-edged Roadside-Skipper  TL: Mexico
Eutocus facilis (Plötz, 1884) Facilis Skipper S Mexico to Ecuador and Bolivia
Virga clenchi L. Miller, 1970 Clench's Skipper  E Mexico: TAMPS to VER & CAMP
Repens florus (Godman, 1900) False Roadside-Skipper  E & W Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua
Vidius perigenes (Godman, 1900) Pale-rayed Skipper S TX, E & W Mexico to Colombia
Monca crispinus (Plötz, 1882) Violet-patched Skipper  [= tyrtaeus], S TX, E & W Mexico to Colombia
Nastra lherminier (Latreille, [1824]) Swarthy Skipper E USA: KS to TX, E to FL, NJ, CT
Nastra julia (H. Freeman, 1945) Julia’s Skipper [= hoffmanni], far SW USA, C & S TX, E & W Mexico to C. Rica
Cymaenes trebius (Mabille, 1891) Fawn-spotted Skipper SE AZ (rare stray), S TX, E & W Mexico to Colombia
Cymaenes fraus (Godman, 1900) Frosty-banded Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica
Vehilius stictomenes illudens (Mabille, 1891) Pasture Skipper E & W Mexico to Panama
Lerodea eufala eufala (W. H. Edwards, 1869) Eufala Skipper S & C CA, to S NM, C & S TX-OK to VA-FL (strays N); to Argent.
Lerodea arabus (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Violet-clouded Skipper [= dysaules], S AZ, S TX to Costa Rica
Moeris striga stroma Evans, 1955 Flag Skipper E & W Mexico to Colombia
Moeris hyagnis hyagnis Godman, 1900 Hyagnis Skipper E Mexico to Costa Rica
Papias dictys Godman, 1900 Bottom-spotted Skipper E & S Mexico to Ecuador
Lerema accius (J. E. Smith, 1797) Clouded Skipper [including lochius], S USA (strays N) to Colombia & Venezuela
Lerema liris Evans, 1955 Liris Skipper  E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Morys lyde (Godman, 1900) Violet-studded Skipper S & E Mexico to Costa Rica
Halotus jonaveriorum Burns, 1992 John-and-Avery's Skipper  W Mexico
Niconiades nikko Hayward, 1948 Nikko Skipper E Mexico to Ecuador, S Brazil and Paraguay
Vettius fantasos (Cramer, 1780) Fantastic Skipper S TX (sporadic), E & W Mexico to Paraguay
Naevolus orius (Mabille, 1883) Orius Skipper  E & W Mexico to S Brazil
Enosis immaculata immaculata (Hewitson, 1868) Immaculata Skipper SE Mexico to Ecuador and Peru
Vertica verticalis coatepeca (Schaus, 1902) Vertical Skipper SE Mexico to Costa Rica
Mucia zygia (Plötz, 1886) Black-dotted Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
    Tribe Hesperiini Latreille, 1809
Hylephila phyleus phyleus (Drury, 1773) Fiery Skipper [= muertovalle] CA to FL (strays far N), S to Argentina; Hawaii
Pseudocopaeodes eunus eunus (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Alkali Skipper S CA (Kern to San Diego cos.)
Pseudocopaeodes eunus alinea Scott, 1981 Alkali Skipper S NV, far SE CA
Pseudocopaeodes eunus flavus Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Alkali Skipper Inyo Co., CA, N through Lyon, Mineral, Storey, Washoe, Pershing, Lander and Nye cos., NV
Pseudocopaeodes eunus obscurus Austin & J. Emmel, 1998 Alkali Skipper Carson City, NV, also Honey L., Lassen Co., CA & vic. Mono L. & L. Crowley, Mono Co., CA
Hesperia uncas tomichi M. Fisher, 2008 Uncas Skipper Colorado Rockies, high elevations; univoltine
Hesperia uncas uncas W. H. Edwards, 1863 Uncas Skipper SE MAN to S ALTA, S to NE ID, WY,W NE, W KS, W OK, E CO, NM, N & W TX
Hesperia uncas lasus (W. H. Edwards, 1884) Uncas Skipper W CO, UT, AZ, SW NM
Hesperia uncas giulianii McGuire, 1998 Uncas Skipper vic. Adobe Hills, Mono Co., CA
Hesperia uncas macswaini MacNeill, 1964 Uncas Skipper CA-NV White Mts., high elevations
Hesperia juba (Scudder, 1874) Juba Skipper S BC to W SD, S to NW NM, N AZ, CA & Baja California
Hesperia colorado colorado (Scudder, 1874) Western Branded Skipper Rocky Mts. of Colorado, at and above treeline
Hesperia colorado ochracea Lindsey, 1941 Western Branded Skipper CO Front Range (Larimer to El Paso cos.)
Hesperia colorado oroplata Scott, 1981 Western Branded Skipper S-central CO, N NM
Hesperia colorado susanae L. Miller, 1962 Western Branded Skipper S-central CO, N NM
Hesperia colorado idaho (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Western Branded Skipper W CO to E CA, N to SE BC, MT, WY
Hesperia colorado (Scudder, 1874) (E Columbia Basin segregate) Western Branded Skipper E Columbia Basin, NE OR, SE WA
Hesperia colorado leussleri Lindsey, 1940 Western Branded Skipper SW CA
Hesperia colorado tildeni H. Freeman, 1956 Western Branded Skipper W-central CA (Coast Ranges)
Hesperia colorado harpalus (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Western Branded Skipper CA Sierra Nevada
Hesperia colorado oregonia (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Western Branded Skipper N CA-SW OR Cascades, E Siskiyous
Hesperia colorado (Scudder, 1874) (W Cascades segregate) Western Branded Skipper W OR Cascades (from Clackamas to N Jackson cos.)
Hesperia colorado mattoonorum McGuire, 1998 Western Branded Skipper NW CA-SW OR W Siskiyous & outer Coast Range
Hesperia colorado (Scudder, 1874) (N CA coastal segregate) Western Branded Skipper Marin Co., CA
Hesperia colorado dodgei (E. Bell, 1927) Western Branded Skipper Santa Cruz Co., CA
Hesperia woodgatei (R. Williams, 1914) (Typical segregate) Apache Skipper S CO, NM, W TX, C & SE AZ, CHIH
Hesperia leonardus pawnee Dodge, 1874 Leonard's Skipper E CO to E MT, E to SW MN, NW IA
Hesperia leonardus montana (Skinner, 1911) Leonard's Skipper S Platte River Canyon, C CO
Hesperia pahaska pahaska Leussler, 1938 Pahaska Skipper SASK, MT & ND, S to C NM
Hesperia pahaska williamsi Lindsey, 1940 Pahaska Skipper S AZ to W TX, NW Mexico
Hesperia pahaska martini MacNeill, 1964 Pahaska Skipper W CO to SE CA
Hesperia columbia (Scudder, 1872) (Typical segregate) Columbian Skipper C & S CA
Hesperia columbia (Scudder, 1872) (N Cascades-Siskiyous) Columbian Skipper Siskiyou Mts. & SW Cascades, NW CA, SW OR
Hesperia viridis (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Green Skipper SE WY to E AZ & C TX, NE Mexico
Hesperia lindseyi lindseyi (W. Holland, 1930) Lindsey's Skipper W-central to S CA, far SW AZ
Hesperia lindseyi macneilli J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Lindsey's Skipper outer N Coast Ranges, NW CA
Hesperia lindseyi eldorado J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Lindsey's Skipper W slope Sierra Nevada, CA (Butte to El Dorado cos.)
Hesperia lindseyi septentrionalis J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Lindsey's Skipper Siskiyou Mts & Modoc Plateau, N CA, S OR, NW NV
Hesperia miriamae miriamae MacNeill, 1959 Sierra Skipper S Sierra Nevada, CA (Alpine to Tulare cos.), high elevations
Hesperia miriamae longaevicola McGuire, 1998 Sierra Skipper CA-NV White Mts., high elevations
Hesperia nevada nevada (Scudder, 1874) Nevada Skipper ALTA & SASK, Rocky Mts. from MT-ID to N-central NM
Hesperia nevada (Scudder, 1874) (N Great Basin/ Columbia Basin segregate) Nevada Skipper N Great Basin, OR-ID-NV & Columbia Basin, WA-BC
Hesperia nevada sierra Austin, J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Nevada Skipper S OR (Warner Mts.) to S end Sierra Nevada, CA
Polites rhesus (W. H. Edwards, 1878) (Typical segregate) Rhesus Skipper S ALTA, SASK, E MT, W ND, W SD, W NE, E WY, E CO, far W OK, NM, C AZ
Polites carus (W. H. Edwards, 1883) Carus Skipper far W OK, far SE CO, NM, W TX, AZ, NW Mexico to central Mexico
Polites subreticulata (Plötz, 1883) Subreticulate Skipper E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Polites peckius (W. Kirby 1837) (AZ White Mts. segregate) Peck's Skipper AZ White Mts.
Polites sabuleti sabuleti (Boisduval, 1852) Sandhill Skipper TL: USA (Ca)
Polites sabuleti channelensis J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Sandhill Skipper Santa Rosa I., Santa Barbara Co., CA
Polites sabuleti aestivalis J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 Sandhill Skipper NW CA, SW OR
Polites sabuleti tecumseh (F. Grinnell, 1903) Sandhill Skipper Sierra Nevada, high elevations
Polites sabuleti albamontana Austin, 1987 Sandhill Skipper White Mts. of CA-NV
Polites sabuleti alkaliensis Austin, 1987 Sandhill Skipper SE WA, E OR, NE NV to N UT, W CO, NW NM; also CO Front Range
Polites sabuleti sinemaculata Austin, 1987 Sandhill Skipper Humboldt Co., NV
Polites draco (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Draco Skipper Yukon, N BC, Rocky Mts. from W ALTA to N NM
Polites mardon (W. H. Edwards, 1881) (N CA-S OR coastal segregate) Mardon Skipper NW CA (Del Norte Co.), SW OR (Curry Co.) near coast
Polites mardon klamathensis Mattoon, J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Mardon Skipper SW OR (Jackson & Klamath Cos.) S end Cascades
Polites themistocles themistocles (Latreille, [1824]) Tawny-edged Skipper SE Canada, New England to MT, S to NM, S FL, disjunct in N CA
Polites origenes origenes (Fabricius, 1793) Crossline Skipper SE Canada, New England to E SD, S to NE TX, C FL
Polites sonora (Scudder, 1872) (N CA coastal segregate) Sonoran Skipper N CA coast
Polites sonora sonora (Scudder, 1872) Sonoran Skipper Cascades of BC-WA-OR-CA to Sierra Nevada of CA, S to Baja California
Polites sonora longinqua Austin, 1998 Sonoran Skipper White Mts. of CA-NV
Polites vibex vibex (Geyer, 1832) Whirlabout NC to FL, W to LA
Polites vibex praeceps (Scudder, 1872) Whirlabout S TX, E & W Mexico to Trinidad, Venezuela, Ecuador
Wallengrenia egeremet (Scudder, 1863) Northern Broken-dash SE Canada, New England to C FL, W to E TX, N to SE ND, C MN
Wallengrenia otho otho (J. E. Smith, 1797) Southern Broken-dash MD to FL, W to TX, E & W Mexico to Costa Rica
Wallengrenia otho clavus (Erichson, [1849]) 'Pale' Southern Broken-dash [= curassavica], S TX, E & W Mexico to Venezuela, Guianas, Trinidad, N Brazil, Peru
Pompeius verna verna (W. H. Edwards, 1862) Little Glassywing S QUE, ONT, New England to N FL, W to LA, N to MN, SE SD, E NE, NE KS
Pompeius pompeius (Latreille, [1824]) Pompeius Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
Atalopedes campestris campestris (Boisduval, 1852) Sachem Baja California to WA, Columbia Basin to W Idaho
Atalopedes campestris huron (W. H. Edwards, 1863) Sachem E USA (strays far N), E & W Mexico to Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil
Poanes hobomok hobomok (T. Harris, 1862) Hobomok Skipper SE Canada to SASK & E-central ALTA, S to NE CO, E OK, AR to TN, N AL
Poanes zabulon (Boisduval & Le Conte, [1837]) Zabulon Skipper  MA & NY to NE & KS, S to TX, C FL, montane NE & NW Mexico to Panama
Poanes taxiles (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Taxiles Skipper W SD, W NE, E WY, CO, S ID, UT, AZ, NM, W TX, NW Mexico to DF, OAX
Poanes viator zizaniae Shapiro, 1971 Broad-winged Skipper MA to FL, E to C TX
Poanes inimica (Butler & H. Druce, 1872) Yellow-stained Skipper E & W Mexico to Colombia, Venezuela
Poanes monticola (Godman, 1900) Oyamel Skipper W to S-central Mexico
Stinga morrisoni (W. H. Edwards, 1878) Morrison’s Skipper CO Front Range, NM, E AZ, W TX, N to S-central Mexico
Ochlodes sylvanoides sylvanoides (Boisduval, 1852) Woodland Skipper S BC, W WA, W OR, W CA, N BC (Mexico)
Ochlodes sylvanoides santacruza Scott, 1981 Woodland Skipper Santa Cruz Island, CA
Ochlodes sylvanoides catalina J. Emmel & T. Emmel, 1998 Woodland Skipper Santa Catalina Island, CA
Ochlodes sylvanoides orecoasta Scott, 1981 Woodland Skipper immediate coastal habitats from W WA to N CA, variable phenotype
Ochlodes sylvanoides bonnevilla Scott, 1981 Woodland Skipper N Great Basin, esp. Elko Co., NV, variable but palest phenotype
Ochlodes sylvanoides omnigena Austin, 1998 Woodland Skipper E CA Sierra Nevada & E OR-WA Cascades to MT, WY, W CO
Ochlodes sylvanoides napa (W. H. Edwards, 1865) Woodland Skipper CO Front Range (Larimer to El Paso & Fremont cos.), E WY, W SD
Ochlodes agricola (Boisduval, 1852) (Northern segregate) Rural Skipper NW CA, SW OR
Ochlodes agricola agricola (Boisduval, 1852) Rural Skipper W CA, N BC (MEX)
Ochlodes agricola nemorum (Boisduval, 1852) Rural Skipper W Sierra Nevada, CA
Ochlodes agricola verus (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Rural Skipper far S Sierra Nevada, to SE (CA)
Ochlodes yuma sacramentorum Austin, 1998 Yuma Skipper CA Central Valley
Ochlodes yuma yuma (W. H. Edwards, 1873) Yuma Skipper far NW NM, N AZ, S UT, S NV, SE CA
Ochlodes yuma lutea Austin, 1998 Yuma Skipper C & N NV, SE OR
Ochlodes yuma anasazi S. Cary & Stanford, 1995 Yuma Skipper N New Mexico (Rio Grande Gorge)
Paratrytone snowi (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Snow’s Skipper SE WY (Laramie Co.), CO Front Range, S CO, NM, E AZ, CHIH, [SON?]
Onespa brockorum Austin & A. Warren, 2009 Brocks’ Skipper NW Mexico (SON, SIN, possibly DGO)
Anatrytone logan logan (W. H. Edwards, 1863) Delaware Skipper ME to MN, S to FL & E TX
Anatrytone logan lagus (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Delaware Skipper SE ALTA & E MT to W & S TX, NL
Anatrytone potosiensis (H. Freeman, 1969) Potosi Skipper E Mexico to Honduras
Quasimellana eulogius (Plötz, 1882) Common Mellana S TX, E & W Mexico to Venezuela, Guianas, Trinidad, Brazil
Notamblyscirtes simius (W. H. Edwards, 1881) Simius Skipper S SASK, E MT, E WY, W SD, W NE, E CO, N & W TX, NM, C & SE AZ, COAH, DGO
Euphyes vestris vestris (Boisduval, 1852) Dun Skipper N CA to BC, ID
Euphyes vestris kiowah (Reakirt, 1866) Dun Skipper SE WY, CO, NM, AZ, far NW Mexico; univoltine
Euphyes vestris metacomet (T. Harris, 1862) Dun Skipper  E USA, SE Canada, NE Mexico; univoltine to multivoltine
Metron chrysogastra chrysogastra (Butler, 1870) Orange-headed Metron E & W Mexico to Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad
Quinta cannae (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Canna Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
Cynea irma (Möschler, 1879) Fogged Skipper E Mexico to S Brazil
Decinea decinea huasteca (H. Freeman, 1969) Huastecan Skipper E Mexico
Oligoria maculata (W. H. Edwards, 1865) Twin-spot Skipper SE USA (E TX to FL, N to NC)
Atrytonopsis deva (W. H. Edwards, 1877) Deva Skipper C & SE AZ, SW NM, NW to S-central Mexico
Atrytonopsis lunus (W. H. Edwards, 1884) Moon-marked Skipper C & SE AZ, SW NM, SON
Atrytonopsis vierecki (Skinner, 1902) Viereck’s Skipper SW & SE UT, S CO, AZ, NM, far W OK, N & W TX, N COAH
Atrytonopsis pittacus (W. H. Edwards, 1882) (Typical segregate) White-barred Skipper C & SE AZ, SW NM, W TX, SON
Atrytonopsis python (W. H. Edwards, 1882) Python Skipper far S NV, AZ, NM, W TX, CHIH, SON
Atrytonopsis cestus (W. H. Edwards, 1884) Cestus Skipper far NW Mexico (SON), SE AZ
Atrytonopsis edwardsi W. Barnes & McDunnough, 1916 Sheep Skipper  N-central and NW Mexico, S AZ, SW NM, W TX
Nyctelius nyctelius nyctelius (Latreille, [1824]) Violet-banded Skipper, Nyctelius Skipper Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, S Texas to Argentina
Thespieus dalman (Latreille, [1824]) Chalk-marked Skipper E & W Mexico to Argentina
Vacerra litana (Hewitson, 1866) Litana Skipper [= regional records for bonfilus aeas], E & W Mexico to Guianas
Vacerra gayra (Dyar, 1918) Gayra Skipper E & W Mexico, Belize
Oxynthes corusca (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) Corusca Skipper E & S Mexico to Bolivia & Brazil