Kingry Family Groups

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Lorraine Hudson-Kingry
Billie Martin Kingry
Sharon Kingry-Fillingim
Charlene Kingry
Brenda Kingry-Godwin
Annette Kingry-Karsten
Robert Edward Kingry
Kingry Family Groups

Hulon Hudson, Sharon, Charlene and Lorraine Kingry visiting the Stangelands in Iowa 1952   Lorraine, Charlene and Sharon Kingry visiting the Stangelands in Iowa 1952


Left to right: Linda Hudson, Sharon, Charlene and Lorraine Kingry at Pond Creek 1953   Billie holding Sharon, Lorraine holding Charlene Kingry 1953


Lorraine holding Annette, Billie holding Brenda, Charlene and Sharon Kingry standing in front 1956   Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry 1956


The Kingrys in Germany 1958. Left to right front: Annette and Brenda
Left to right back: Charlene, Sharon, Lorraine and Billie
  Kingry girls in Germany 1958


Kingry girls in Germany 1958   Billie, Bob and Annette Kingry at Vandenburg Air Force Base 1961


Left to right back: Billie, Lorraine, Sharon and Olive Kingry
Left to right front: Bob, Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry
Lompoe, California 1961
  Adults: Maudie Hudson and Lorraine Kingry
Children left to right: Bob, Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry
in front of a mission in California 1963


Annette, Brenda and Bob Kingry in California 1965   Brenda, Charlene and Annette baked a cake for their mother Lorraine on Mother's Day 1966


Charlene, Bob and Annette Kingry in the Black Hills of South Dakota 1966   Annette, Charlene, Bob, Lorraine and Brenda Kingry Christmas 1967


Brenda, Lorraine, Bob, Annette and Charlene Kingry 1968   Kingry Family 1975


    Lorraine, Annette, Brenda, Bob and Sharon 1979


Billie, Lorraine and Bob Kingry 1980   Three Hudson sisters (Lillian, Lois and Lorraine) win a bowling tournament 1983


Hudson siblings left to right: Lillian Pleasant, Lucille Royce, Lorraine Kingry, Hulon Hudson, Lois Lay and Linda Bodie - 1984   Hudson Family left to right: Hulon Hudson, Lorraine Kingry, Lois lay, Maudie Hudson, Linda Bodie, Lucille Royce and Lillian Pleasant - 1984


Left to right: Robin Kingry, Charlene Smith, Lorraine Kingry, Sharon Kingry and Annette Redd 1985   Brenda, Annette and Sharon 1985


Sharon, Lorraine and Billie Kingry at Bob Kingry's wedding to Robin Roselle 1986   Maudie Hudson, Lorraine Kingry, Margueritte Hudson and Lucille Royce 1991


Hudson Family Reunion 1991. Standing left to right: Billie Kingry, Linda and Terry Bodie, Lois and Bryant Lay. In front left to right: Grace Elisabeth, Vickey, baby Mark and Ted Hudson, Lucille Royce, Lorraine Kingry, Lillian Pleasant, Maudie Hudson, Jim Pleasant   Hudson Family Reunion 1991


Hudson Family Reunion 1991   Kingry Family 1992. Left to right front: Robin holding Cal, Lorraine, Charlene, Brenda and Billie holding Olan. Left to right back: Sharon, Bob, Cher, Annette, Henry


Bob, Brenda and Sharon about 1996   Kingry Family about 2001


Lorraine, Brenda, Melissa, Charlene, Cher, and Ashley about 2002   Brenda, Charlene, Sharon and Annette


Charlene, Sharon, Bob, Brenda and Annette


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