Home Up Lorraine Hudson-Kingry Billie Martin Kingry Sharon Kingry-Fillingim Charlene Kingry Brenda Kingry-Godwin Annette Kingry-Karsten Robert Edward Kingry Kingry Family Groups
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Hulon Hudson, Sharon, Charlene and Lorraine Kingry visiting the Stangelands in Iowa 1952 |
Lorraine, Charlene and Sharon Kingry visiting the Stangelands in Iowa 1952 |
Left to right: Linda Hudson, Sharon, Charlene and Lorraine Kingry at Pond Creek 1953 |
Billie holding Sharon, Lorraine holding Charlene Kingry 1953 |
Lorraine holding Annette, Billie holding Brenda, Charlene and Sharon Kingry standing in front 1956 |
Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry 1956 |
The Kingrys in Germany 1958.
Left to right front: Annette and Brenda
Left to right back: Charlene, Sharon, Lorraine and Billie |
Kingry girls in Germany 1958 |
Kingry girls in Germany 1958 |
Billie, Bob and Annette Kingry at Vandenburg Air Force Base 1961 |
Left to right back: Billie, Lorraine, Sharon and Olive Kingry
Left to right front: Bob, Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry
Lompoe, California 1961 |
Adults: Maudie Hudson and Lorraine Kingry
Children left to right: Bob, Brenda, Annette and Charlene Kingry
in front of a mission in California 1963 |
Annette, Brenda and Bob Kingry in California 1965 |
Brenda, Charlene and Annette baked a cake for their mother Lorraine on Mother's Day 1966 |
Charlene, Bob and Annette Kingry in the Black Hills of South Dakota 1966 |
Annette, Charlene, Bob, Lorraine and Brenda Kingry Christmas 1967 |
Brenda, Lorraine, Bob, Annette and Charlene Kingry 1968 |
Kingry Family 1975 |
Lorraine, Annette, Brenda, Bob and Sharon 1979 |
Billie, Lorraine and Bob Kingry 1980 |
Three Hudson sisters (Lillian, Lois and Lorraine) win a bowling tournament 1983 |
Hudson siblings left to right: Lillian Pleasant, Lucille Royce, Lorraine Kingry, Hulon Hudson, Lois Lay and Linda Bodie - 1984 |
Hudson Family left to right: Hulon Hudson, Lorraine Kingry, Lois lay, Maudie Hudson, Linda Bodie, Lucille Royce and Lillian Pleasant - 1984 |
Left to right: Robin Kingry, Charlene Smith, Lorraine Kingry, Sharon Kingry and Annette Redd 1985 |
Brenda, Annette and Sharon 1985 |
Sharon, Lorraine and Billie Kingry at Bob Kingry's wedding to Robin Roselle 1986 |
Maudie Hudson, Lorraine Kingry, Margueritte Hudson and Lucille Royce 1991 |
Hudson Family Reunion 1991.
Standing left to right: Billie Kingry, Linda and Terry Bodie, Lois and Bryant Lay.
In front left to right: Grace Elisabeth, Vickey, baby Mark and Ted Hudson, Lucille Royce, Lorraine Kingry, Lillian Pleasant, Maudie Hudson, Jim Pleasant |
Hudson Family Reunion 1991 |
Hudson Family Reunion 1991 |
Kingry Family 1992.
Left to right front: Robin holding Cal, Lorraine, Charlene, Brenda and Billie holding Olan.
Left to right back: Sharon, Bob, Cher, Annette, Henry |
Bob, Brenda and Sharon about 1996 |
Kingry Family about 2001 |
Lorraine, Brenda, Melissa, Charlene, Cher, and Ashley about 2002 |
Brenda, Charlene, Sharon and Annette |
Charlene, Sharon, Bob, Brenda and Annette |