Jesse Jefferson Rogers

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Michael Shawn Stangeland
Shelley Elizabeth Stangeland
Ernest Michael Stangeland
Ernest Joseph Stangeland
Jesse Brown Hartley, Jr.
Joseph Adolph Stangeland
Braxson Edward Hudson
Jesse Brown Hartley, Sr.
John Anthony Draghi
Aanen Knudsen Stangeland
Anders Amundson Kloster
Christopher Clabron Hudson
Jesse Jefferson Rogers
Randolph Harris Hartley
John James Cheney
Walter Gundacker Evans
Amund Anderson Kloster
Moses David Hudson
Frederick Rogers
Isaac Columbus Hurst
William W. Evans

Jesse Jefferson Rogers 1863-1914 Lillie Delilah Hurst-Rogers 1873-1966 Matthew Mark Rogers 1874-1957 Maudie Anne Rogers-Hudson 1907-1998 Callie Rogers-Pruitt 1896-1985 Elijah Rufus Rogers 1910-2003 Della Rogers-Grimes 1902-1987 Maudie Anne Rogers-Hudson 1907-1998 Callie Rogers-Pruitt 1896-1985 Della Rogers-Grimes 1902-1987 Elijah Rufus Rogers 1910-2003 John Rogers 1898-1990 John Rogers 1898-1990 Frederick Rogers 1822-1912 Lillie Delilah Hurst-Rogers 1873-1966 Lillie Delilah Hurst-Rogers 1873-1966 Phariba Elizabeth Hurst-Rollo 1887-1975 Ralph Rogers 1905-1922 Lillian Lavalia Hudson-Pleasant Elijah Rufus Rogers 1910-2003

This work celebrates the lives of Jesse Jefferson Rogers 1863-1914 & Lillie Delilah Hurst-Rogers 1873-1966, 93 yrs. The Rogers clans settled in the Holley community on the shores of Santa Rosa Sound on a bayou call Boggy Bayou in the early 19th century. They intermarried with local Creek indians and became fishermen. Jesse made his living laying long nets with a wooden row boat catching mullet and other fish. He was also boat builder. He and Lillie had six children including Maude Rogers-Hudson, a grandmother of the Florida branch of the Stangeland family. Their children in the work are shown when young at the center, Lillian Hudson-Pleasant is standing on the porch of the old family church in Holley and Jesse's father Fredrick Rogers is standing left of seated Lillie with a child. Jesse died at 51 and Lillie lived another 52 years and always considered him her only husband to the end. My mother told me she insisted on being buried the day after she died without embalming because no man had ever touched her in her entire life except Jesse and even in death she didn't want the undertaker to handle her. That is deep true love.

Jesse Jefferson Rogers

Jesse Jefferson's wife
Lillie Delilah Hurst
Jesse Jefferson and Lillie's Children:

Callie Rogers-Pruitt

John Henry Rogers

Della Rogers-Grimes

Ralph Rogers

Maudie Rogers-Hudson

Elijah Rufus Rogers


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