Hudson Family Hometown

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Braxson Edward Hudson
Maudie Rogers-Hudson
Edward Braxson Hudson
Lillian Hudson-Pleasant
Lucille Hudson-Stangeland
Lorraine Hudson-Kingry
Hulon Clabron Hudson
Lois Hudson-Lay
Linda Hudson-Bodie
Hudson Family Groups
Hudson Family Hometown
Milton Tornado of 1962


Coming down Highway 90, a traveler crosses the bridge over Blackwater River to enter Milton

Parallel to the auto bridge is the old L & N Railroad bridge, it's one of the few swing span bridges still around

View of the Blackwater River from the bridge

The opposite direction

Twenty years ago or so the town fathers replaced all the
rundown wharves and buildings along with a beautiful river walk

Close up of the gazebo on the river walk

River walk and restored buildings along the river in Milton

For many years the first thing you saw after crossing the bridge was the Fisher & Hamilton Hardware store with the large white lettering on its brick wall.  The store is long gone but since the logo was such an important part of Milton history, the new owners decided to restore it.

Here is a picture of the original hardware store taken in 1954.  My aunt Lois Hudson (left) was
Miss Santa Rosa County that year and was in a parade through downtown Milton

More restored buildings in downtown Milton

Next to the Fisher & Hamilton hardware store was the Barnes family pool hall, it is now a residence

Another view of Willing Street.  This was the main street in Milton, the old downtown section.
It is mainly professional offices and some residences.

Looking further down Willing Street

A beautiful mural depicting Milton's past.  At one time Milton was a port of entry into the United States
and the Customs office survived well into the 1970s

The old Imogene Theatre, a wonderful old landmark, was actually an opera house in the early 19th century, but sat unused for maybe 50 years.  Then it was finally rebuilt and preserved and they now have functions of different kinds.

The Santa Rosa County Courthouse

Looking down Caroline Street, the Imogene Theatre is on the right

This mural on Caroline Street in downtown Milton celebrates the doctors who have served the community over the last century
Left to right: Rufus Thames, MD 1874-1953, Sim Thames, MD 1884-1943, John C. Holley, Sr. MD 1889-1967,
John P. Merchant, Jr. MD 1925-, Rufus Thames, Jr. MD 1927-1990, Jimmy Barnes MD 1930-1992
Most of the Hudson family and their descendants who lived in Milton were served by these doctors

Looking up Caroline Street toward the bridge

Caroline Street with the lawn of the Santa Rosa County Courthouse

The Exchange Hotel, a very old hotel that sat vacant and deteriorating for many years.
The city fathers completely restored this old icon for future generations

A beautiful old church in the Milton downtown area

Berryhill Elementary School is now used for Santa Rosa County education system offices

The old Milton High School became part of Pensacola Junior College when the new Milton High School was built

Pond Creek, a popular swimming place for Milton residents

The old Bagdad Post Office


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