Ernest Stangeland Farm & Homes

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Ernest Joseph Stangeland
Lucille Hudson-Stangeland
Janice Marie Stangeland
Ernest Michael Stangeland
Phillip Wayne Stangeland
Phyllis Kay Stangeland-Euler
Mark Edward Stangeland
Ernest Stangeland Farm & Homes
Ernest Stangeland Family Groups


Picture postcard of downtown Ossian, Iowa in the 1920s

Picture postcard of downtown Ossian, Iowa in the 1930s

It looks like another section of the old silo has fallen in this 1952 photo

Hulon Hudson on the Stangeland farm 1952

Hulon Hudson and Ernest Stangeland on the Stangeland farm 1952

Regrading the Stangelands' land for the new house 1952

Regrading the Stangelands' land for the new house 1952

Rebuilding the Stangeland family farm house 1952

Rebuilding the Stangeland family farm house 1952

Rebuilding the Stangeland family farm house 1952

Looking out into the "Yommerdahl Valley" at the Dover No. 7 schoolhouse beside Nutting Creek from the framework of the Stangeland Family farm house 1952

Stangeland Family barn 1952
Left to right: Michael, Lucille and Janice Stangeland, Tresia Pleasant, Hulon Hudson, Maudie and Braxson Hudson

Hulon Hudson and the Stangeland family's Farmall tractor 1952

Hulon Hudson and the Stangeland family's Farmall tractor 1952

Hulon Hudson on the Stangeland Family farm 1952

Hulon Hudson on the Stangeland family's planter 1952

The Stangeland Family farm 1952

Lorraine Kingry on the Stangeland Family's Farmall tractor 1952

The "South Hill" of the Stangeland farm 1952

View from the Stangeland farm across the "Yommerdahl Valley," Dover No. 7 school house is on the left 1952

View from the Stangeland farm across the "Yommerdahl Valley," Dover No. 7 school house is in the center 1952

The Stangeland Family home on James Street in Milton, Florida 1964

The "Yommerdahl Valley" near the old Stangeland family farm 1976

Joseph Stangeland's farm 1976


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