Brenda Kingry-Godwin

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Brenda Kingry-Godwin
Rachel Blair Rountree
Randall Bailey Rountree

Brenda Kingry 18 months old - 1955   Brenda Kingry 1961   Brenda Kingry 1963


Brenda Kingry 1964   Brenda Kingry 1968   Brenda and Bob Kingry 1971


Brenda Kingry 1972   Brenda and baby Rachel Rountree 1982


Brenda Rountree 1983   Rachel, Bryan and Brenda Rountree 1985   Brenda Rountree 1986


Rachel, Bryan and Brenda and baby Bailey Rountree 1986   Brenda Rountree 1987


Rachel, Bailey and Brenda Rountree 1988   Brenda and Annette April 1994


Brenda Godwin about 1997   Brenda Godwin   Brenda Godwin about 1998


Brenda Godwin about 1998   Brenda Godwin 2004


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