Robert Edward Kingry

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Robert Edward Kingry
Robin Roselle-Kingry
Lauren Elizabeth Kingry
Cal Martin Kingry

Bob Kingry 1959   Bob Kingry 1960


Bob Kingry 1965   Bob Kingry 1965


    Bob Kingry 1967


Steve Lay, Bob Kingry and Greg Lay 1967   Bob Kingry 1968


Bob Kingry 1969   Bob Kingry 1969   Bob Kingry 1970


Bob Kingry 1971   Bob Kingry 1972   Bob Kingry 1976


Bob Kingry showing off his 10 lb. 4 oz. bass 1979   Bob Kingry showing off his 10 lb. 4 oz. bass 1979   Bob Kingry 1980


Bob Kingry, Charlene and Olan Smith about 1981   Bob and Charlene Kingry 1981


Bob Kingry and Robin Roselle 1983   Bob Kingry and Robin Roselle 1983


Bob, Brenda and Annette 1985   Robin Roselle and Bob Kingry 1985


Bob Kingry 1985   Bob Kingry and grandma Maudie Hudson with their 6 lb. bass 1986   Nichole Smith and Bob Kingry about 1986


Bob and Robin Kingry on their wedding day 1986   Billie, Robin, Bob and Lorraine Kingry on Bob and Robin's wedding day 1986


Robin and Bob Kingry about 1987   Bob and Lauren Kingry 1989


Bob and Lauren Kingry 1990   Bob holding Cal Kingry 1991


Cal and Bob Kingry 1992   Lauren and Bob Kingry 1992


Bob Kingry April 1994   Bob and Sharon Kingry April 1994   Bob Kingry about 1997


Bob and Billie Kingry 2001   Teri and Bob Kingry 2003


Bob Kingry 2004   Teri and Lauren Kingry 2004


Teri and Bob Kingry 2006   Lauren, Bob and Cal Kingry 2006


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